Wednesday 1 July 2015

JULY '15






Just a reminder that we belong to a galactic family, well most of humanity does. I don't know so much about most of those that run and control the world though. You can't pass a test of karma unless you take that test of karma and the more powerful with loads of control, the bigger the tests. How much rope big or small will we individually take?



The electrochemical reaction of charged hydrogen particles from the Sun arcing on silicate (or maybe but mostly unlikely iron) is giving off radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, isn't that surprising?


I am sure Mr. Einstein was a really decent, honest generally nice bloke, but his fantasies were wrong and so it is his work that is criticized and not the man. As for those who put him in the roll of demigod though and the subsequent devotees who maintained that role, well that is another matter in my book.



Does atmospheric wind actually exist? If it doesn't then what is felt is the movement of charge going through the dielectric atmosphere and not the actual air moving, well not much anyway?

When we look at a wind density map we see a massive force of movement suddenly stop when it hits the land. If it was the actual air moving, where does all that air go? That's a lot of fast moving air that suddenly and continually is disappearing into relatively still air. If the air was still though and the charge was moving, then once the charge is grounded after coming off the sea the movement mainly stops.



As the charge tries to ground it hits a point where it runs up against the Earth's electromagnetic field that stops it and makes the charge fan out and so produce a flat bottom to the storm cloud.

As the charge builds up, it then has to force its way through the repulsive field to ground by releasing that charge through the rain and when excessive, through lightning and tornadoes. 


What Bilderberg group meeting? If you haven’t heard about this yearly meeting it is not surprising as the MSM don’t regard the most influential political leaders, bankers, industrialists, members of the media and other high ranking members of our society getting together to discuss where they are going to take our Weston World as at all important.

While the Main Stream Media talks about other things like people having sex changes and reporting on Mrs. Obama announcing to children that some students in the UK will be doctors, politicians or otherwise employed doing various other jobs, those at the meeting were tucked away talking about anything but the democratic process deciding our future.





You cannot collapse a bubble of air underwater as it is solid but pliable object compared to its environment (the water) and so can't actually collapse to anywhere. So what I think is happening is the bubble is being ripped apart and so I would think that it will be the pressure from the sound waves that are breaking the electrostatic bonds of the molecules which then ignites and causing the release of light.

The blue colour shows the temperature of the flame (very hot) Personally as the bubbles are made of a gas I can't see that they can actually collapse, transform yes but not collapse. The bubble can be compressed to be made smaller or even dissolved into the water but I don't think collapse is the right expression.

This is different to the Pistol Shrimp though as it for a split second creates voids in the water as its claw shoots high temperature shock waves through the water. Its claw moves so fast that it seems to create the voids and it is the water snapping back together that is thought to create the heat but is it the void coming back together as in the process of Piezoelectricity where power and so heat is generated by separating negative and positive in the atoms which release the energy when they come back together.

There are of course other explanations from the world of scientism but they don’t wash with me as they are purely mechanical explanations and completely ignore any electrical explanation.


In other words, leave it to others who come after to sort out the shite they have created. This was the conclusion reached by the gutless politicians when they decided to go with the status quo and what the power generating corporations and bankers wanted and pass the buck and all the related problems that go with it to the following generations.




Light that we detect doesn't exist as such; it is only the interaction of the part of the electromagnetic spectrum (wave) that makes matter glow. Either from the inside, like in a filament of a bulb or indeed a glowworm or from the outside when the right frequency of the EM spectrum excites the substance it travels through or reflects off.

When you shine a laser you can't see the beam because the wave isn't hitting anything to make glow. If you blow smoke across the beam though it will light up and where ever the smoke is. The beam doesn't get stopped by the obstruction of the smoke at any point because it is a light gas and so because the light is a wave, it is exciting and making glow everything it touches as it travels through it.

Glows worms make electromagnetic waves that react with matter in its body, light that we detect with the electrical signals that go to our brain is just seeing that reaction of that part of the spectrum. Bees see that part of the spectrum when waves in ultra violet react to matter. It is just the detectors that are different, turning to different parts of spectrum and turning that back into electrical signals which our minds can make sense of. Light as we detect it only exists as an invisible wave until it reacts with matter either from the inside or from the outside.




Wiki- "In the height region between about 85 and 200 km altitude on Earth, the ionospheric plasma is electrically conducting. Atmospheric tidal winds due to differential solar heating or due to gravitational lunar forcing move the ionospheric plasma against the geomagnetic field lines thus generating electric fields and currents just like a dynamo coil moving against magnetic field lines. That region is therefore called ionospheric dynamo region." 

The amendment in Wiki should be- “In the height region between about 85 and 200 km altitude on Earth”, the ionospheric plasma which has been charged from the Solar-Wind and other CMEs is mixing and interacting with the dielectric atmosphere as the charge tries to adjust the planet to the change in the local electrical field in which the planet is moving through. The movement of charge creates magnetic fields.


Earthquake Lights do seem to be an ionization of the most abundant gas in our atmosphere, Nitrogen and caused by the release of pressure within the rock and so would be Piezoelectric.



Could this mean that there will be some danger above our head? Seeing the way some people drive on the ground I would imagine that the authorities would put some quite strict control on the use of these.

I wonder how much a crash helmet would save you when fall from twenty to thirty feet onto a passerby. The only way I can see this working is if they incorporated some sort of self drive system into it, you would be just then hanging on most of the time- 













Another Fermilab 'scientist' now says CERN is worth the money. Even though experiments in the 145 billion to 466 billion electron volt range excluded the boson’s existence the last time around. This opinion is very different from the American accelerator's Dmitri Denisov who said before the refit: “We do not see the signal. If it existed, we would see it. But when we look at our data, we basically see nothing.”





