Monday 3 August 2015

August '15









The 'Safire Project' is out to prove that the Sun and so all Stars and so the whole Universe is electrically driven and so, completely blowing out of the water the contorted mathematical guesswork of the twentieth century.

A completely new era for humanity now starts as the proof needed is here, from the atom all the way through to galaxies and beyond and it all starts with an Electric Sun.

The video is now on a private setting but hopefully not for too long. 
Obviously we understand why the Safire Project has made their latest video private for the time being. For those lucky enough to catch it, it was of course very exciting as we saw into the future and with it, the total demise of scientism with their contorted mathematical guesswork.
It showed in explicit detail that even their small working model in a vacuum Bell Jar (the big one is now being used) and associated detectors relieved results even beyond their expectations.
But for those that didn't get to see it before they changed the setting to private, here is their introduction video-


This was at the beginning of the video before it showed the early experimentation.


Latest word is that it needed some last minute corrections and will be available to view in the not too distant future.



Michael Steinbacher was a member of the Electric Universe community whose specialty was to help completely overturn the world of geology. His observations as a professional photographer coupled with copious amounts of common sense left all in is wake and with his insights and diligence in getting to the truth. He will be massively missed by all.



Because there is so much at stake, i.e. the lining of people's back pocket and the reputation of those people who own those back pockets, it continually seems that some in the pseudo religion of scientism would prefer to knowingly waist money on useless projects and in extreme cases have on their consciences the death of millions, rather than owning up to the truth.

So if in the future you have friends and family who get caught up in a natural disaster when they could have been reasonably warned about it in advance, you will know where to start after watching this video from Ben & Co. So that just leaves the question, should those in the quasi religion of scientism go to jail for life for mass murder and crimes against humanity? I will let you decide.




There is no such thing as dark-energy, dark-matter black-holes etc, they are just contorted mathematical guesswork derived from the original bad mathematical speculation. When Einstein decided to throw out the work of Maxwell, Lorenz and the rest (electromagnetism) he headed science towards a brick wall which it is now hitting.

To his credit he did at the end of his life say he wasn’t satisfied with what he come up with and it still needed to be worked on. This didn’t stop the devotees that followed though and rather than critically looking at his work and rejecting it, they just carried on driving in the same direction. So how wrong was this direction?

When we consider that the electromagnetic force is 10^39 or 1000, billion, billion, billion, billion times more powerful than the 'bending of light by mass on a flat bit of rubber cloth' (einstein's fantasy of newtonian gravity) you get an idea just how wrong the pseudo religion of scientism that followed is.

Our brains and central nervous system uses electricity and if we are made in the image of God then the universe is electric too. Our consciousnesses and bodies do not work because of undetectable dark-energy, black-holes or any other disjointed math equation, we all exist because of electricity.

So this is where science and spirituality sits, with each understanding each other perfectly. Although this is now a couple of years old (being released onto YouTube in December 2012) and we have moved on by leaps and bounds in the community since then, it is still a great entry point to having you consciousness adjusted to what is really real and getting away from the 'unlight' of dark things and what is false.




It was a time not so long ago when the Earth had a very different sky to what we see today. Not only were the stars not visible, the overall vista of the sky was that of a purple haze with distant looking heavenly bodies ethereally appearing in and out of the plasma sheaf that surrounded the Saturn system, this was just before the 'purple dawn of humanity' with its rebirth after the Ice Age  and the latest rise in consciousness. 

When Saturn who had hold on the heart of Gaia become lessened by a rearrangement of the solar system, the purple mists broke on Earth to reveal all the great beings in the heavens and then these gods went to war big time. In the end though, the much smaller but more powerful Sol proved to be in charge and cast out the once and lofted Angel Saturn down to the neither regions of the solar system.



We still don't know how a magnetosphere is formed. The expanding earth theory and which I think is correct means, that a planetary dynamo with a solid core spinning inside would now be rattling around inside the Earth and so as well probably noticing it on the surface and so could not be responsible for the magnetic field.

When we consider the Earth’s magnetic field, we also then have to ask. Even though only weak, why have other planets like Mercury or Mars got one at all, with Mars’ being only in patches in places and not covering the whole surface.

The internal dynamo idea could not cause it to be like this. Plus, with these planets being so small, the conventional geological mechanics would mean that they would have cooled by now under conventional theory and so, shouldn’t have one at all. So if planetary bodies’ magnetic fields are not created from the inside, then they must be external.


More commonly know as Electrical Discharge Machining, this industrial application is widely used on planet Earth and doesn’t have a black-hole or any dark-matter in sight. This is hardly surprising really though, seeing they can only be seen in some contorted mathematician’s imagination.

Notice at the end of this video, the commentator says what is left after the erosion process is 'small balls’ of material. This is why I love ‘real science’ because it is ‘real science’.


“During its many years of travel, Opportunity has provided a wealth of information about the topography of Mars, as well as an analysis of its chemical composition. The surface of Mars appears to be rich in silicon dioxide, otherwise known as quartz, and in various iron oxides, especially hematite and magnetite.

Among Opportunity’s most significant findings are the vast collections of so-called “blueberries” that have accumulated in their trillions on the surface. Note that the term “blueberry” is not because of their color but because the mission team was stunned by their presence within the matrices of several large rocks. They are so abundant that mission managers said they were like “blueberries in a muffin.”

The blueberries bear a striking resemblance to stone spherules on Earth called “Moqui marbles”, found in the Southwestern United States. Moqui marbles are unusual because of their interior construction: the majority of them are iron shells enclosing a sandstone core. They are also found embedded in the walls of some canyons and within large boulders. Some of the Moqui marbles are hollow.”-




Since getting most everything right with the predictions for Comet 67P so far (but dam, forgot to mention there would be hexagonal craters), which wasn’t that hard thanks to the brilliant work of Wal Thornhill for the comet science and Stephen Smith for the technical dater on Philae.

So what will be left of Rosetta and Philae upto and post-perihelion and will it be the catalyst that proves that comets are indeed solid rock, Einstein was indeed wrong and the universe is a plasma soup with electromagnetic fields and currents running throughout it?

Will this be where true science trumps contorted mathematical guess-work and so be there for all to see? Maybe or maybe not but when ever it does finally and fully happen, this comet mission will go down as a turning point in everyone realizing our Electric Universe. So it is definitely not what was dreamed for by the devotees of the quasi 20th century religion that followed Einstein.

Both Relativity and Standard (if there is such a thing with 13 versions) Quantum Mechanics’ heads are now well and truly on the block as the world watches the little lump of arcing silicate hurtle towards its Perihelion.

Where as once they could just sit back and giggle like excited school children who get to play with some really big toys and see what happens when you make really big explosions and bangs, the Electric Universe community suddenly and seemingly on mass, are now shouting foul with a whole chorus of different voices. This suddenly means the devotees of scientism seriously need to go to the toilet now please Miss.

When the engineers brilliantly built and sent Rosetta on its scientific voyage of discovery to find the truth, little did the devotees of scientism even consider that their contorted mathematical guesswork, which was built on other wrong contorted mathematical assumptions, could be anything but correct.

But even if they did turn out to be wrong, it didn’t really matter or so they thought because they knew for sure that there was no one outside of their church who would get to find out about it.

So they could if they were lucky enough, still get called a genius and even get a given a Nobel Prize for securing the most amount of funding for the biggest white elephant of its type. Plus as there wasn’t any other type of cosmology to replace their one, get given even more money to prove that they are still and have been wrong all along.

But now they have starting to find out that things aren’t quite as simple as they once thought, with another cosmology out there now calling the shots and with Rosetta and Philae naturally responding to the increasing amounts of external charge around them. 

This was certainly not what scientism mathematically expected or remotely welcomed. They believed in electrically inert ‘grubby snowballs’ and in the ‘standard model’ generally, so real scientific facts coming to light wasn’t at all in their agenda.

Once it became all too apparent that as Philae started to descend to the Comet’s surface there would be electrical problems in the electrics, it was then of no surprise to us to then hear that Scientism was at a total loss as to why the lander started playing up. ‘Naughty old charge that isn't supposed to be there playing with the kiddy’s toys.’

Even though the orbit of the comet doesn’t bring it in towards the Sun any nearer than just inside the orbit of Mars, before once again swinging out past the orbit of Jupiter, the increase in charge is already well noticeable as communication between Philae, Rosetta and the Earth are becoming increasingly more difficult.

So as 67P nears its closet point to our Sol, will we might actual see some real fireworks (as opposed to what was promised and what happened with Comet Siding/Spring and Mars) and get some unexpected to scientism, real scientific events.

As known by the EUT community, the charge on mass goes up, so does the gravitational attraction of the mass and so Rosetta will have to keep making adjustments to avoid joining the lander for a bounce about on the surface.

So if a strong coronal hole stream or more importantly, a CME is going to hit the comet from the back & right-hand side of the Sun (from Earth's view point), then ESA better get Rosetta into a higher orbit, because if the electronics do go down again while too close to the arcing comet, so might the entire probe.

The space mission has now been extended until 2016 which gives those in the EU community plenty more time to discuss why they get so much wrong and are always surprised by Real Science, but is totally predictable to us in the Electric Universe community.






As said before, gravity is down to charge as well as mass. Wal goes into more detail as he chats on this web radio show.



…. as it is real science as used by the Electric Universe community and the rest of the universe. The main stream is now being forced to catch up with what we have been warning for some time and if they don't, there no way anyone will trust them in the future when the grubby snowballs hit the fan.

This is not the end of the world but it is a cooling off period, it's happened before and it wasn't pleasant, but this time we are in the 21st century and can prepare up front. We can put on extra layers and sleep under multi quilts.

We live in an Electric Universe where our climate is governed by an electrically driven Sun. But electrical flow isn't naturally smooth when it travels and so sometimes, there is a dip as well as a rise in voltage. This is why we use capacitors in electronics, to smooth out the flow.

From what we have seen so far this is causing global extremes, quite hot and quite cold with more electrically intense weather generally as the Sun reduces its power for a while. Because our magnetic shield is created from outside and because there is a drop of power going on, it inevitably means that our shield will weaken too. So even though there is less power in the system, more will get through to shake up our complacency.

As the cooling period take takes hold, there will undoubtedly be a lot of scare mongering and even mild hysteria. So do steer clear of such things in the Main Stream Media (which will use it to sell more product) and down the pub by less informed individuals and stick with those who are getting on with understanding the electrical nature of our cosmos.


In the Electric Universe community we have been talking about this for a few years now and this is why we say that the main stream is light-years behind. This is graphically shown because of what is being continually written and said by the main stream and not just about climate, but across the whole range of subjects in our understanding of cosmology. This though, because it directly affects us on earth, is one that everyone needs to consider

As certain parts of the world hit records highs of heat, this year we have had yet another record breaking maximum ice sheet on the continent of Antarctica, as the supposed ‘Global Warming’ came to a halt and reversed. As is often mentioned by yours truly, it is not heat that drives our weather but electricity with heat and cold being just side effects.

This can be seen though off Earth as well as on it, as it has been seen that the whole solar system is going through changes over the last decade or so. So it is the electrical field coming from galactic centre that is changing and so affecting the whole heliosphere.










By pumping large amounts of metal particulates into our dielectric atmosphere, it will create artificial plasma discharge channels and that is not even taking into account the fact that we have to breath this crap into our lungs.



Do you really think that it was river that cut this course through the shattered landscape? At what ever the scale, Lichtenberg figures show both the fractal nature of electricity and of the whole universe.

It’s not just the delta that looks typically electric though, it's the rest of the river's course and especially as far up as Illinois. This landscape has been carved by moving arcs.

I would even hazard a guess that this was carved when the much bigger arc hit the gulf when there was the last major earth expansion which wiped out the dinosaurs as we knew them. The massive amount of charge hitting the earth at that time would have not only made the Earth expand but also massively increases the gravity of the Earth.



As the Weston oil monopolies keep our western so called democracies in their strangle hold, China is forging ahead and taking off by embracing our electric future.






As most people in everyday life knows, Iron is a good conductor of electricity. So having it continually being there is not a good idea. As with many things in life, too much as well as too little is not good thing and so balance must be achieved.

“Italian Dr. Paolo Zamboni has put forward the idea that many types of MS are actually caused by a blockage of the pathways that remove excess iron from the brain - and by simply clearing out a couple of major veins to reopen the blood flow, the root cause of the disease can be eliminated.”-



As we steam ahead in the Electric Universe community, at least some are catching on in the main stream. This latest announcement is a major realisation in the field of health care and it is how the central nervous system is connected to the brain- "…we didn't understand how the brain could be communicating with the immune system…"

Because they had like most of science had been brainwashed into believing the whole universe worked by mechanical means alone, they have always tried to heal the body with pills and potions with all the nasty side affects that can come along with it like. But then by chance they found out that because we are electrical beings, we can fix the body with electrical impulses.




As we sit back and look on in amusement at the different guesses that are forwarded by the devotees of the quasi religion, it might be fun to see if as well as predicting what will be found on such objects, we can also predict what scientism will guess.

This is their second guess-  "The bright spots are probably — like you might find in the desert on Earth — a salt plain where maybe water came out at one time and evaporated," Russell said.



Dr. Gerald Pollack explains his deep understanding of water with the new understanding of our weather with its ionic winds. A differential of charge moving through the atmosphere

Jerry is a regular speaker at the Electric Universe conferences. This year's conference has just finished and so now we are waiting for the videos to be released, this was his preview.



Is an electron an electromagnetic sphere of influence surrounding the atom in the æther? If so then it will be far from uncertain that where ever you look for the electron, you will find a bit of the influenced æther.


“Contemporary physics has sold us a quantum interaction called the strong force, which is supposed to be one of the four fundamental forces of nature. This interaction has been forced down our throats despite the known fact that there is no evidence for it. The strong force is just a theory. It is a theoretical force proposed to counteract E/M repulsion in the nucleus. Problem is, quantum physicists have never proved that there is an E/M repulsion in the nucleus. They have simply assumed that there is. Because the E/M field is known to be ubiquitous at the macro-level, quantum physicists have assumed from the very beginning that it must be present in the nucleus. If it is present, it must be overcome, to explain the nearness of nucleons to one another……”




“A Few Things You Need to Know to Tell if a Nobel Laureate is Talking Nonsense”





If we hook up too closely with technology we might dream like this.







