Due to my other commitments in life now but largely due the Facebook group I started and administer on a daily basis and which has really taken off, I will now for the moment at least, will be producing this blog every two months. To apply to join the Facebook Group and get all the Electric Universe info on a daily basis, just click the link towards the bottom the ride side-bar.
Nature exists because of electricity and this includes how our brains and central nervous systems work. This means that we are producing electromagnetic fields that extend well beyond our physical bodies and into the surrounding environment and so, connecting with the rest of nature.
One of the core subjects in an Electric Universe and so going a long way to proving that we don't live in a reality made up from contorted mathematical gobbledegook, is why the Sun shines.
This one area of scientific investigation is fundamental as it is a keystone as to how all of our observable universe works on the big scale and with it, now showing that the 'standard models' foundation and which props up the rest of the model, is supporting nothing more than a house of cards.
As we know, on the smaller scale our brains and central nervous systems work with electrical impulses and so it would be natural to think that if we are made of star dust, then our Suns should be electrical too.
As opposed to the pseudo religion of scientism that chooses to guess wrong first and then carry on guessing wrong, in the Electric Universe community a forensic approach is preferred to try and work out what is what and so, how life as we know it survives on this rocky planet at least.
So with the scientific evidence saying that unless we think that our sun is unusual in being electrical, with the rest of the stars using 'a bending of light on a flat bit of rubber cloth' which was Einstein's view on gravity and so isn't even a force, then our sun is the perfect laboratory in space to study and to find the right answer.
But of course the likely hood that our Sun is electrical alone is not likely and we don't have to look far in our own galaxy to see that bipolar planetary nebular has forms that just couldn't be made by gravity and the star just randomly puffing off layers.
So assuming that our Sol and Aligned Nebulae operates the same way as every other star, then a common set of rules will have a common denominator and what ever their size or colour they may be and so the whole universe will be electrical.
So from a start point of what we know and can experiment with on earth in the laboratory, when looking at the 'standard model' and an electric model, the electrical one works perfectly and the 'standard' one is definitely well below sub.
This is because out of the many, many, many questions that the 'standard model' of solar guesswork fails to answer, the observations of solar activity can be easily explained from an normal electrical point of view and even without the need to employ Ockham's Razor (original village spelling).
Even though in normal everyday physics our Sun is too round to be just a burning ball of gas because of centrifugal forces, which under normal circumstances would make it bulge at the equator, conventional solar guesswork totally ignores this type of fact, as it does for a whole heap of other anomalies in their sub standard guesswork.
But this doesn't seem to matter to those in scientism though, as long as they can manipulate the mathematics to fit the guesses they seem to think that they don't need to bother to indulge in any type of a reasoned thought process, as this would go against what they are taught under the strict guidelines of scientism's tenet & doctrine.
But it isn't only in the world of scientific investigation that there are those that think that modern scientism is nothing more than a pseudo religious cult, as now even in the world of traditional religion, there are those now who are now questioning scientism's beliefs.
Another overlooked scientific discovery that doesn't go with the original scientism guesswork, is that there just isn't enough convection happening in the sun for their 'slowly going off nuclear bomb theory' to work.
Because the 'standard guesswork' is built around the 'bending of light by mass on a flat bit of rubber cloth' and is a purely mechanical model, an extension to this thinking is that because the solar wind suddenly stops when it reaches the heliosphere's edge, it must be because it is hitting a barrier and so acting like a bow like shock wave as it comes up against the environment that is beyond our Sun's influence. But once again this has been proven not to be the case.
The heliosphere which encapsulates our solar system is made up from the Sun's output through the Solar Wind with its streams of charged hydrogen particles flying out to the heliopause, with this being added to by Coronal Mass Ejections erupting from Sunspots and destabilising filaments.
And even though particle physicists use the principle of accelerating charged particles in particle accelerators by simply putting them into an electric field, astronomers seem to be blissfully unaware that this might be a possibility in space and so leaves them totally stumped when this is observed. But how do we know there is an electrical field in space?
When you have electricity going from an anode (charged particles emanating from the Sun) to a cathode and even a virtual cathode (the heliopause), between the two a electrical field will be formed. So just like in a capacitor in a circuit board, an electrical field is generated between the two poles of positive and negative.
Another problem with the 'standard guesswork' is that of normal thermal dynamics and this is because the Sun's atmosphere has millions of degrees of heat, where as the surface of the Sun is just thousands. This means that in order for there to be millions of degrees of heat in the atmosphere, the sun has to produce millions of degrees internally in order the heat up the atmosphere to millions of degrees but in doing so has to cool down to just a couple of thousand degrees, before once again heating up the atmosphere to millions of degrees.
To overcome this, scientism says that magnetism somehow achieves this.
With it being proved for a quite a while now that we live in an Electric Universe, but the fact being kept under the radar and so out of the general consciousness by the Scientific and Main Stream Media, many believe that there is more to it than them just being stubbornly stupid.
I was brought up on BBC Radio 4 and although I loved watching the TV, it was the radio where I got so much information as to how the language worked through the drama output as well as through factual programs, as well as the news and documentary information which it was giving out.
So it is now encouraging that although the Beeb's (what we call the BBC in the uk) TV scientific output is still totally suspect in both its programming and why they are doing it, their radio output is still of some worth.
When we look at the bigger picture of climate change we see that CO2 follows and not leads our environmental changes, with this being a result of the variable electrical output from the Sun. Heat is carried on Alfven Waves and any change is a result of a change in electrical charge.
When the last mini ice-age happened global temperatures was a lot higher to start with and it was the sudden decrease in electrical output from the sun that brought it on with the lowering of the temperature being the result and so with it the CO2.
If we are to move forward then we must understand the electrical nature of the universe and so how we in the future power our lives from that perspective and so move away from the mechanical view of reality with its combustion of fossil fuels and which just pollutes our environment.
The term scientism originated a few hundred years ago as a natural movement that broke away from the pure belief system of traditional religion by the more scientifically minded.
But because languages change and evolves over time due to cultural and historic events, it is not surprising that this also happened in the scientific world too and this happened after the world of science was sent down the road of guessing with mathematical speculation first and so divorcing itself from those in the scientific world who carried on with the ideas of Natural Philosophy, which used a hands on experimental approach after the observation of nature.
So as those who rejected a Real Scientific approach in favour of guessing with fantasy took over, they naturally became known as a pseudo religion and so took with them the term scientism, while those who carried on with experimentation and a the real scientific method being aligned with the term of Natural Philosophy.
Due to the contorted mathematical gibberish continually failing in its various predictions as to how the universe works from a 'standard model' point of view and which of course includes climate change, the need to ignore truth has now become a natural part of the standard explanation as to its obvious failings.
Because guessing with bad math has been the bedrock of scientific thought over the last hundred years or so and so has continually failed with only an understanding of electromagnetism succeeding, we have seen for what ever political and/or other reasons, various methods are used to try and keep poor math guesswork at the top of the tree in the sciences.
So I see that the teaching of the new type of core math that is being forwarded especially in the U.S schools, plus the so-called science sites as well as social network sites, being just the latest methods used to try and keep really poor math guesswork somehow as a god like subject.
But as more and more people realise that guessing with math isn't the answer and using a true scientific method is and always has been, I can only see in the future that once people see that they have been totally deceived and with the deception being continually propagated by the main stream and science media, then people will demand a change as they turn away from those who are just riding their undeserved gravy train with them producing absolutely nothing of value apart from feeding their own egos and wallets.
In England I grew up with a program called the 'sky at night' and I was fascinated by all the new discoveries about the cosmos and the space shots that were happening at the time. But since Patrick More who used to host the show got older and so took a back seat, plus as my own knowledge base grew, the show had less and less appeal.
So I thought after all these years I would watch it again last month to see what it was now like. What a total waste of time that was, as it had become as suspected, nothing more than just a mouth piece for the pseudo religion of scientism with all their ridiculous and failed math based guess work and so had nothing to do with informing people of any real science.
Then at the end of the program they proudly announced that next month they will be talking with Stephen Hawking about the fact that gravitational waves had been discovery, sheesh.
It is so sad that what was such a much loved program had also spiralled into vortex of absurdity as the modern producers of the program are now trying to pass off this latest deception as a reality. Least we forget what was taught in the early sixties-
"A singularity is nothing but a place in an equation where the equation is undefined, for example a division by zero. Cosmologists however assign physical properties to singularities in equations. Moreover, when confronted with contradictions in their terms they invoke different definitions of their singularities. For instance, on the one hand, according to cosmologists, the finite mass of their black hole is concentrated at a singularity where volume is zero, density is infinite, and spacetime curvature is infinite. There are two types of these singularities: (a) a point, if there is no rotation, or (b) the circumference of a circle, if there is rotation. There are forces in General Relativity, but gravity is not one of them, because it is spacetime curvature. Hence, according to cosmologists gravity is infinite at their black hole singularity. However, no finite mass has zero volume, infinite density, and infinite gravity, anywhere. This singularity is produced by division by zero. Confronted with these absurdities the cosmologists then invoke the argument that at their black hole singularity the laws of physics break down, in which case their claims for volume, density and gravity have no meaning.
But there are two singularities associated with their black hole: (a) the singularity to which they assign the event horizon, a place where they assert the escape speed is that of light in vacuo, (b) the singularity at which the aforementioned finite mass is concentrated, with its fantastic physical properties. To evade the event horizon problem the cosmologists call it a coordinate singularity, and proceed to remove it by a change of coordinates by which they say it disappears. Although it then allegedly disappears they nonetheless keep it, as the event horizon, with its fantastic physical properties, not the least of which is that it has an escape speed and no escape speed simultaneously, also produced by division by zero.
In similar fashion the cosmologists allege on the one hand that the Universe created itself from absolutely nothing, by means of a Big Bang creation event. The nothingness from which the Universe created itself is on the other had a singularity, having the properties of zero size, infinite temperature,
“At the big bang itself, the universe is thought to have had zero size, and to have been infinitely hot.” [1]
and infinite (or near infinite) density and pressure,
“One crucial assumption underlies the standard hot big-bang model: that the universe ‘began’ in a state of rapid expansion from a very nearly homogeneous, isotropic condition of infinite (or near infinite) density and pressure.” [2]
How close to infinite must one get to be “near infinite”? Interestingly, their Big Bang singularity is not a place in their Big Bang equation (the Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric) where the equation is undefined, and so it is not a singularity in mathematics, and also unlike a black hole singularity, notwithstanding the different fantastic physical properties assigned to each. It is a place in their Big Bang equation where their equation is equal to zero, yet possesses the foregoing infinities (and 'near infinities'). When quizzed on these absurdities the cosmologists instantly change their stories so that at the Big Bang creationist singularity the laws of physics break down. They even go so far as to unabashedly assert that there were no laws of physics until after the Big Bang creation event. Yet somehow, they still manage to assign to their Big Bang singularity properties of density, pressure, size and temperature, all of which are physical properties in the laws of physics. Curiously the cosmologists publicly ridicule all those who profess a creationism that is not Big Bang creationism, vehemently preaching all around the world that their Big Bang creationist fundamentalism is the one and only true creationism, all other creationisms false prophets.
[1] Hawking, S. W., A Brief History of Time from the Big Bang to Black Holes, Transworld Publishers Ltd., London, 1988
[2] Misner, C.W., Thorne, K.S., Wheeler, J.A., Gravitation, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1973."
If you have been reading this publication and other enlightened sources for a while, you will know that the real science says that we are heading into another mini ice-age.
Although many point to record heat over the last year, they often fail to mention that there is record cold going on as well, so at the moment we are definitely seeing Climate Extremes.
Also the thing we must remember about last year was though is that was an El Nino year and as we have seen from past El Nino years, it always pushes up global temperatures. So even though there was record highs, it has been the cold that has been the factor to watch as we now exit the naturally warm El Nino year.
Because the Earth's magnetic field is generated from the outside and not because of any internal mechanism as guessed by scientism, it of course has a direct correlation with what the Sun is doing electrically. So the declining Sun spot number which shows it going into a quiet phase, coincides perfectly with our continually weakening magnetic field.
Reality as we know it in the universe always starts just above 0 degrees Kelven (no heat at all), but just above that is the point where matter starts to move through three dimensions and so starts to produce temperature as separated charge starts to function and tries to balance.
So what we would call cold is still hot compared to something colder with this being the case all the way down to 0 degrees Kelven. Although one degree above the freezing point of water is relatively cold to us, to an ice-cube it's scolding hot and so will melt.
This means that a varying electricity current that comes from the Sun will give us varying degrees of temperature and this is what we are now seeing with extremes of unseasonal temperature swings across the globe and which will effect us all directly.
As the years have rolled past I have always wondered if it would ever be possible for me to get to one of the conferences as it has always been well beyond my financial resources. Then a very generous offer was made to me and so now I am lucky enough to be given the funding to go this year and so I offer a massive thank you to those involved in arranging this.
As we move forward through the three dimensions (time), there are more and more people now finding out about the Electric Universe Theory and due to it making perfect sense, want to get involved in researching the subject and informing other people about it.
But due to all the scientific funding going to those who fantasise about the 'standard model', many of those who don't follow the doctrine & tenet of scientism have little chance of getting any money together through conventional means to achieve this, as all their money is spent on just getting through life at its basic level.
Neil is one such person and is a recent electrical engineering technology graduate from New Brunswick in Canada. He is hoping to get to this year's EU2016 conference by setting up a 'gofundme' page.
As the Electric Universe community gets its real scientific message out, the main stream are now telling of some of the plasma research that is being funded in its development stage as well as carrying it forward.
This will another interesting space mission as the 'standard model's' derived contorted mathematical guesswork explanation of what will be found will be of course nothing like reality as the biggest Plasma Giant in our Solar System gives up some more of its secrets.
Arriving on the fourth of July, a new satellite will reach Jupiter and go into orbit. It will then start to look inside the cloud layers. So we in the Electric Universe community have plenty of time to start to speculate about what will really be seen.
It will have a polar orbit so the first question that comes to my mind is, will we see the electrical connection to our Sun and will it have a hexagon, just like the second biggest Plasma Giant Saturn.
This will also give us a great insight into our Sun as well, as the Plasma Giants are just little Suns, all being formed in a string of z-pinches many moons ago. But as like our arcing Sun (discharge mode 2) is in Plasma Discharge mode 1 (dark mode) due to them not having much electrical input now and so not in the visible to humans wave lengths of the spectrum, with them only being seen in wave lengths of the Electromagnetic Spectrum like radio waves and the where the electricity is concentrated, in its aurora.
If in real science that we actually use on earth in everyday life (plasma physics and electrical engineering) shows us that only electricity creates magnetism, why is even more money being wasted on this type of thing. The only thing this shows is that there are still ground breaking ways of securing funding as long as you follow the dictates of doctrine and tenet of the pseudo religion of scientism that just believes in very poor guesswork.
Here we go again, this is scientism's proof that Einstein was right about ripples of gravity being right across space/time, but don't blink or you might this cosmological event.
This is because it is such a small deviation in the mirror/laser beam that it could have been caused by anything and even the charge on the single atom, So not only does this latest bit of tomfoolery really beggar belief, but also the Main Stream who bothered to report on such nonsense.
"a distortion in spacetime a thousandth the diameter of one atomic nucleus across a 4km strip of laserbeam and mirror."
"At the beginning of the signal, their calculations told them how stars perish: the two objects had begun by circling each other 30 times a second. By the end of the 20 millisecond snatch of data, the two had accelerated to 250 times a second before the final collision and dark merger."