Saturday, 4 June 2016

June/July 2016

The reason this blog is called 'The Multiverse' is not because the author believes in various versions of himself like some in scientism. But instead, because it tries to highlight the Multitude of Verse that makes up our single book of reality. But now you here, have look and click around as you explore a reality based on an
Electric Universe.

(because the mainstream is suspect)




EU2016- see the next edition of this blog

With Dave T. from The Thunderbolts Project
Phoenix was hot and not just the temperature with it reaching 50 Degrees (121 C) on the Saturday. But even though the dialogue was red hot, in contrast the actual Electric Universe Community were as usual, being Cool As Cucumbers.




Not everyone knows it but E=Mc2 was shortened from various other similar equations being used around the start of the twentieth century. Among these was Fritz Hasenohrl, a physics professor at the University of Viema.

In 1904 he clearly wrote down in a paper the equation E=3/8Mc2 and which is based on classical electrodynamics and which assumed that an aether based on the effects of charge did exist.

When Einstein come up with his own ideas as to how the universe works and threw out the idea of an electromagnetic aether in exchange for a mechanical one with all its crashes and bangs, he decided that the electromagnetic force was of little importance even though 'the bending of light by mass on a flat bit of cloth' (his idea of what gravity is) was 10^39 or 1000, billion, billion. billion, billion times weaker than the force of electromagnetism.

He didn't seem to understand that matter wasn't just full of mass which gave a gravitational effect but instead that the gravitational effect would change with the amount of charge the mass had. To his credit though, he was an autodidact and did get himself out of working in a patent office in exchange for fame and fortune.

Henri Poincaré at about the same time did understand this though and later said that electromagnetic radiation had a momentum and thus effectively had a mass anyway, even according to the shortened E=Mc2.

So it seems with all the available evidence that is now available in today's world, that electrical momentum produces mass in normal matter by running through a substrate of an aether of neutrinos and which runs through all normal matter.




The SAFIRE Project has got to be the biggest piece of experimental science that is being undertaken at this time in our understanding our universe and how it functions from an electrical perspective. See below from EU20115 to get last year's news, so we can get an idea of we can look forward to this year.

Although I am really looking forward to talking about my findings and explain in detail about Weather & Climate Mechanics with others (I have written the book, or rather a document from an electrical perspective) who will be there and so chat about the effects of electricity on the H2O molecule which drives our weather, it is the update on the SAFIRE Project that I am personally really looking forward to.

To read my document on Weather & Climate Mechanics, click on the Facebook link towards the bottom of the right side bar of this blog and then apply to join my group. Once accepted, click on the 'Files' tab at the top of the page. 



Wm. Mark Spann-
"The James Hammans electrical experiments: You know, I get the distinct impression that the electricity has a pattern in mind before it even has a go at the aluminum surface, and it seems it keeps at it all the way through until it gets the results it intends, regardless of how or where James waves the electrode all around. This seems akin to Sheldrakes morphogenic fields causing plants and trees shape to unfold as they grow.
The first 4 minutes are important to get the background of set-up config, and the last minute shows the results - everything in between is akin to watching paint dry, but the results..."



Wm. Mark Spann-
EU2016 EU Geology Expedition Coordinator and Share & Ride-Share coordinator.
















Austrian physicist Lise Meitner

This is not really surprising because traditionally religions have always been dominated by men, with this carrying on through out the twentieth century in the pseudo religion of scientism as well.

So now as we venture into 21st century the time is ripe for the free thinking woman out there to help change things and take their rightful place along side free thinking men. Upto now for a female to make it in sciences she had to be a bit of a hard nosed individual so she could compete in the male dominated province of the sciences.

But in the Electric Universe community we are not prejudiced like with the priesthood and devotees in the main stream scientific establishment and so, welcome on board both sexes, with the only criteria being of wanting to raise to new levels real scientific knowledge based on a proper scientific method of Observation, Measurement, Lab Experimentation & Prediction that Proves Correct, rather than forwarding just their own egos, wage packets and the pseudo religious doctrine & tenet of the 'standard model'.

As we venture further into the twenty first century and the old paradigm of just guessing and then making up up some contorted mathematical equation to express that guess and then watch that guess unsurprisingly fail due to the guess being crap, we are now facing a paradigm shift where the sky really is the limit and as we know there isn't really such a thing as the sky and so there are no limits.


Anyone new to the paradigm shift that is now taking place in science and so is wondering if what we are taught to believe in is really and almost completely wrong, should just ask themselves a few things.

For instance, why are there so many obviously contradictions in what is taught as absolute fact. Like how can a big bang universe exist in a black hole universe when mathematically they are totally exclusive to themselves and even with contorted mathematical guesswork employed and as used by the main stream of science, can't possible exist together and this even before we take into account they neither can possibly fit in with any of the thirteen different versions of Quantum Mechanics.

Then there there is the question of why radio signals and other parts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum like light can be seen and picked up from distant objects in space.

Because in the 'standard model' space is described as a vacuum nothing should be seen or picked up because for any wave to travel it has to have medium to travel through, or they simply can't travel. After Einstein realised this glaring obvious error in his fantasy, he then quickly had to invent a crash bang model of an aether to get over it.

So the fact that we use radio telescopes and can pick up plasma discharge mode 1 (radio waves) from the planets in our own solar system means space can't possibly be a vacuum. Rather than giving up on and discarding the warn out model though, the pseudo religion tries to get round this by calling space a 'virtual vacuum', what ever that is supposed to mean.

But because the 'standard model' has to have space as a vacuum for it to be real, scientism have to pass this off as if it is just the way it is. So the next question that must be asked is. Are those in main stream science purely really that foolish which personally I don't believe but I of course might be wrong, or do they lie as a matter of course and so have to hide behind contorted mathematical gibberish, or is it some sort of mix of the two and so is a bit like how they try and describe the 'standard model' as being fact.










A man died in Poland while others in France and Germany suffered serious injuries from deadly lighting strikes across Europe yesterday. In Paris it was said that the sky was something like out of a Sci-Fi movie.

The video at the bottom of the following report is a fine example of why you mustn't in any way trust the Main Stream Media as to knowing what is going on, whether natural or man made. As usual they are either just guessing badly while spouting the doctrine & tenet of the Global Warming agenda or actually trying throw a smoke screen over any real cause.

Even though massive storm clouds passed over France, it was reported in Germany when the lightning struck that (by a police spokesman)- "According to witnesses, there was no rain and the sky wasn't dark".

But ignoring this, the devotee for the pseudo religion gives the impression that he actually knows about the role of electricity generally and especially in atmospheric science. But plainly he is just preaching the pseudo religious line to keep the funding coming in for him and his colleagues and doesn't in any way question the ignorance of what he is saying.

But as we know, heating is a by product (a radiation) and so a result of something else and that something else is of course electricity (carried on Alfven Waves). So when they say warming is responsible for extreme weather events and use made up and impressive sounding terms to describe them and so sound informed, you can be safe in the knowledge that in stead, they are just full of Crass Reporting And Profiteering.



Hot and a lot less hot in the same place

As has been said here before, heat is a by product of electrical charge, yes heat can be caused by combustion etc but as far as the weather goes, it is derived from charge running in a circuit between the ionosphere and the ground, albeit with additional conductive/reflective heat adding just a little bit to the mix.

This means that even what we regard as cold still has a temperature which is warm compared to something colder. So when we look at where there was what we regard of as heat extremes, we should also be looking to see if these same areas were also weather active when the Northern Hemisphere was tipped away from the sun.


As the mass amount of H2O molecules changes from the gas state to the liquid state as rain, or straight into the solid state as hail, huge amounts of charge is released from what was holding the molecules in the higher state of gas.

This concentrated charge that is released then needs to ground and it achieves this by way of Birkeland Currents. In 'Arc Mode', the lightning bolt, this is a highly concentrated release of charge. In 'Dark Mode' (invisible in the Electromagnetic Spectrum wave lengths that human eye sight is responsive to), the spinning charge is more diffuse and forms funnel clouds and tornadoes.






As more and more scientists and researchers come on board and show that the belief system forwarded by the pseudo religion of scientism is just really bad guesswork and so has little if anything to do with real science, our heretical voices outside of the doctrine & tenet of the pseudo religion cannot be silenced.




Once again when we look past the 'announcement of proof' and without even needing to read between the lines, we see that the following is just guesswork built on other guesswork and so is just an underhanded way of not loosing creditability and wage packets for those involved. 

Like so much that is claimed by the pseudo religion of scientism, it is nothing more than current and undeniable observations which have to be shoehorned into existing and unsubstantiated guesswork and so, achieving only a bad and extremely uncomfortable fit with the shoes falling apart at the seams.

"The subject of how Type 1a supernovae arise has long been a topic of debate among astronomers." & "“We think that Type Ia supernovae come from exploding white dwarfs with a binary companion,” Marion said. “ & "Astronomers have battled over competing ideas [guesses], debating whether the companion was a normal star or another white dwarf." & "“This is the first time a normal Type Ia has been associated with a binary companion star,” team member J. Craig Wheeler said."For a long time, the leading theory [guess] was that the companion was an old red giant star that swelled up and lost matter to the dwarf, but recent observations have virtually ruled out that notion. No red giant is seen." & "What the team found was evidence in the characteristics of the light from the supernova that indicated it could be caused by a binary companion. Specifically, they found an excess of blue light coming from the explosion."

So what is seen and explained in simple terms with no new ideas needed, is that it is just a normal electrical explosion as seen in any object that has an increase in electrical tension that it can't handle. So this pronouncement is typical of the so called experts in the world of non science.

In order to overcome the gaping holes in the guesswork of non science but to keep the gravy train rolling, the commonly accepted method used is, if observations show you are wrong, just make up another guess and say that the new observation is proof that the original guesswork is still right anyway. 

I can't wait for the next update on the SAFIRE Project so those who have control of the big wallets can start thinking about giving the funding to the right people.



Even though one might think that because the suns output is getting less and because our weather has a direct collation to the suns output and so creating the earth's magnetic field, then why is less electricity which stirs up the weather resulting in more extreme weather events on earth, instead of less, even if there is less of a field to stop it?

There is much debate as to how much influence man is having on the climate but what that influence is, comes from very different points of view. But it has always been those in the Main Stream Media who have generally forward the idea that it is all ours in the general public fault and so we should be paying through the nose for it.

Although most would naturally assume due to the MSM soft brain washing them into believing that it is the amount of Greenhouse gases that are being continually being pumped into the atmosphere, when looked at from an electrical perspective, this wouldn't necessarily be the cause.

Because our atmosphere is a dielectric in between the two poles of the ionosphere and the earth and so acts like a capacitor, putting any type of conductive material into the dielectric will make the atmosphere more conductive and so accelerate the flow of electricity down to earth and back up through the returning currents.

Hence more extreme weather systems in the down currents with more liquid being evaporated out of the gas state in the returning currents, which then gets dumped back down in the following weather systems.

To get an idea of the how the mind can be manipulated into believing what is said to them, these two examples from the same source have two very different explanations of the same phenomena, even though it is only the descriptive titles that is different.



After we have continually insisted and shown over the last few years that the scientific data has been manipulated to show increasing warming as the overall trend, when in fact it is a cooling, some in the main stream have suddenly changed tact and now siding with the real scientific evidence.



As well as making us shiver in the cold, the effects could be have a lot greater effects on our culture as a whole.


So is it not conceivable to conclude that the rest of the universe operates because we live in an Electric Universe?




We learnt in April that Kepler developed a problem but was then successfully put into a recovery mode. So this made me wonder whether this was caused by the electricity from the sun, so causing an interruption to the electronic systems as well as extra gravitational drag.


In the following link you will discover a fine example of how totally ridiculous and foolhardy the 'standard model' has taught people to become. Not only does this this article show that the devotees of the pseudo religion of scientism don't even know standard basic physics to start with, but it soon becomes apparent that this way of thinking will always naturally lead to incredibly poor guesswork and as a consequence, inspire them to write nothing more than gobbledegook.

As soon as you read the headline you know you are in for a trippy experience as you follow their fantasy. The body of the copy then starts and it doesn't disappoint, with them proudly saying that rather than using real footage of our Sol in their video, they prefer to use "some gorgeous simulations" as their musings wanders off down a dead end rabbit hole of their own making.

The second paragraph then cuts to the chaise in showing their total ignorance of even normal basic physics by proudly announcing that "The body of the sun is a swirling cauldron of fluid". Even in elementary school we know that a fluid is a lower state of matter to gas, let alone being the even higher state of an ionised gas (plasma). Even though it is speculated that the sun is a liquid hydrogen state in some quarters of the Electric Universe community, they don't explain how it can be both a liquid and a gas or how the matter states alter and energy is exchanged to make the difference.

As the article goes on it seems that they have no shame in displaying their ignorance  when it comes to even a basic scientific understanding that only electricity creates magnetic field- "One solar mystery that has baffled scientists is how the sun produces a large-scale, coherent magnetic field when there seems to be nothing but chaos at smaller scales."

Without knowing that only electricity is responsible for creating magnetic fields and that electricity is scalable over many orders of magnitude and that plasma is highly electrically conductive, it doesn't matter how "High Resolution" a simulation of guesswork is, it is still fantasy. It is just well defined fantasy.




A Venus like comet has said to have been seen around a distant star by the Kepler Space Telescope and which backs up the work of Immanuel Velikovsky and the Electric Universe Theory of  bodies arcing as they take on extra charge after being in a less charged state.

Obviously the pseudo religion of scientism haven't got a clue what is being seen due to being blinded by the doctrine & tenet of the 'standard model' and think that the planet is suffering from intense gravity and being vaporised by starlight, which then rains rocky material onto its sun.

Even though gravity (according their guesswork) should pull the asteroid sized object into the star if the small bits of rocky debris that are coming off of it is and also should have already be torn apart completely by now, they also say that is still in orbit and continuing to go around the star and so is in fact just behaving just like a comet.

So one would expect that providing it is a circular orbit rather than elliptical, it will eventually stop arcing once it has achieved equilibrium with its new electrical environment.


