Wednesday 1 January 2014

Page 1 January '14

latest multiversal news & comment
Because humanity is now maturing out of its adolescence stage of development, the politics of events on earth cannot be separated from the politics of the intergalactic. This is because the decisions and actions that the power brokers that run the earth now make will show directly how they are likely to act when dealing with any intergalactic & inter-dimensional neighbours.

In the mine field of information and disinformation ‘The Multiverse’ endeavours to synthesise the many fields that make up our conscious perception of the universe., while at the same time, filtering out that which is fantasy as well as that which is deliberately put out to muddy of the waters of reality. The views and opinions offered by outside contributors & links are purely their own and are not necessarily those of ‘The Multiverse’.

If you are viewing this on a hand held device then you will getting only the posts and not the side bars. This is because after  testing, the Desk Top version got clunky and didn't really work with the mobile devices. To see the info in the side-bars please view on a desk-top computer.


On the 9th of December 2013 the world of truth lost one of its foremost researchers as Lloyd shed his mortal coil and left us. Over the years I swapped various mails with him as I reported the latest findings and DNA results regarding the Starchild Skull.

This led to me to meeting and spending some time with Lloyd a few years ago in North London and I found him to be a very dynamic, passionate and kind person to say the least. Even though it was the very alien skull that led us to first being in touch, we also had another interest in common which we also spoke about from time to time and which was a very nice diversion.

I was lucky enough to be communicating with him when his local team won the ultimate prize in the sport that he played to a very good level in younger days and his joy was lovely to be part of.

As I was meeting the man, I took the opportunity to take a book written by him along to be signed. And that was the book that he wrote about the sport that he loved, the novel ‘A Darker Side Of Red’. It was bought for me by my very dear friend Mellissa and the inscription that he put inside will always mean a lot to me- ‘A brother under a helmet’.

This is a reference to the fact that I also played full contact American Football but in London but obviously to a much inferior level and so it was a lovely dedication. He has now gone to the big Grid Iron in the sky and will leave the world a poorer place for it. Lloyd your work will continue by those who follow in your very very big foot steps, be at peace.

“The Starchild Project is grieving the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Lloyd Pye, and many of you have asked for a way to send your sympathies to his family. Cards and letters can be sent to Lloyd's family care of Bryan S. Stone, PO Box 1413, Destin, FL 32540. He was the greatest of men, and this is a truly sad time.”


I have before highlighted how Wikipedia have published for their own agenda their own interpretation of truth as far Lloyd goes. This is not of all surprising as it is run by the main stream with their own desire to keep control of what is real and what is false.

Of course it isn't only Lloyd who has had to suffer this indignation. Others too who have tried to correct mistakes on their site have also become targets.






If you are viewing this on a desk top you will also be getting the side bars and at the bottom of the left one you’ll see the weather links that I personally use to keep an eye on as to what is going on.

The second link down is the most recent addition to the list and has the enigmatic description of ‘Birkeland wind current drivers’. In conventional atmospheric theory, areas of high and low pressure have developed because of differing temperatures hitting our earth from the sun.

But as we have seen, certain weather events have been greatly influenced by more electricity getting through our weakening magnetic field that surrounds the earth and so I have wondered whether this electrical influence is in fact the major influence in driving our overall weather systems instead of the sun's heat. So having watched and pondered it for a month or so I now see that it is this major electrical grounding of power from the Ionosphere to earth in the Lows and the returning current back upto the Ionosphere in the highs and it is this that is propelling the wind.

With this new world wide wind movement map we can now see how most of the wind movements around the world as a whole are over water when set at 1000hPa, which strongly suggests that they are electrically driven. This idea is backed up because we can also see this locally with intense electrical currents grounding themselves through water to the ground below.

These Waterspouts only accrue over Lake Michigan and not as twisters on the land surrounding it.
And this lighting storm which fires up about every other day is over Lake Maracaibo and the river that adjoins it in Venezuela. The lightning starts at night probably because of the Telluric Currents that run through the earth's crust change from a east/west direction to north/south when the sun goes down.

If you spin the wind map globe ('Birkeland Wind Current Drivers' below) first to the south pole we can clearly see how the high and low areas of high and low pressure spin in different direction showing that they could well be the currents running to and from the earth and the Ionosphere and mimic where the Aurora Australis is to be found.

As the circuits run round through the planet we can also see these contact points being reflected about the Artic but because there is no land mass equally situated about a central land mass to stabilize the current flow like over the South Pole but squeezed into the areas of Ocean between the large land masses, this is where the points of contact are intensified.

Because it is always moving, the formation of currents are constantly changing but sometimes the typical hexagonal pattern that is associated with electrical phenomena around the solar system can be clearly seen over the earth’s Antarctic region, just like on the North Pole of Saturn. Except due to the gaseous make up of the ringed planet and the amount of electricity it attracts, its Hexagon has been stable for quite a long time.

But even when we don’t see full Hexagons on earth we can still straight lines making other geometric shapes or even half Hexagons in the individual weather systems.




Last month I told you of the Grand Cardinal Square which would herald changes in the bigger environment and which is taking place today the 1st. So as the past month has progressed I have been watching for any signs that, not only was the everyday people waking up but also officialdom.

We will have to wait and see if anything really spectacular happens today or in the few days that follow. As it also a New Moon today I do expect something. We can also look to when it become full on the 16th for indications of a finality of change that is going to happen in the future.



If you are now a bit better versed with our Electric Universe Theory which relies on Observation, Measurement & Experimentation, you will now be naturally very suspicious of any claims by anyone who relies on mathematical guess work only.



I am annoyed to say that the UK will also be getting involved in this joint waist of money. The inevitable fireworks display that will accompany this space probe will light up the project only briefly before it is either completely blown apart or if they are lucky just blow a fuse. If they have looked at their past data carefully, they have taken head and be building some sort of electric defence into its construction but even if they do, we already know what they will find.

Even though previous missions to comets have shown that they are rocky objects just like asteroids and not dirty snowballs as originally and badly rationalized. The cosmological scientists in this joint country mission have decided to squander even more money just so they can say things like ‘we didn't expect that’ or ‘that took us completely by surprise’.

Even though all the scientific evidence clearly shows that the theory is wrong, they still believe that this idea is correct. In a complete miss comprehension of what hydroxyl radicals are and how they are formed, we the tax payers are going to once again be forced to see our money go up in just a puff of electrical smoke.

Because we have the evidence that the earth’s pole shift happens rapidly and that we might well be in the throws of one now, surely it would make more sense to be building probes to look down our galactic arm towards the galactic centre to try and understand the mechanism in the electric environment that makes this happen

By watching and measuring what is going on to star systems down our galactic arm, we should be able to predict what is likely to be coming our way. The scientific evidence is clear that electromagnetic forces affect how star systems align themselves to the galactic centre so to understand this would not be wasted money, unlike some projects.



The equalization of charge between the different layers of the atmosphere can be clearly seen in this beautiful image. As the magnetic fields become more charged with extra electricity, the resulting equalization of charge now becomes visible.





The electric Universe doesn't dismiss gravity, just puts it in its rightful place. When Electromagnetism diminishes, gravity takes over as a stabilizing force.



The more you look at the true history of the last couple of hundred years or so, the more you see that the ‘love of money’ by those in charge has taken over at the cost of ordinary people’s existence.




I have been watching the rise of this online currency with much interest and wondered whether it could possibly work and how would the world governments and more importantly their pay masters the banks would react to this as it is a direct peer to peer based form of money currency and trading.

This is a totally independent way of exchanged with the world banking control removed from the equation which is on the face of it great news. It is a decentralized monetary system and last month I asked my friend who is a university economic lecturer what he thought about it and he was enthusiastic, especially because he has been for a number of years completely disillusioned with the present system.

Needless to say I will be watching whether this is going to carry on taking hold or whether the banks will be able to get into the system and destroy it. I am pretty sure that they have already tried because it would mean it would add to their demise if it becomes a success. But the protocols used to safe guard the computer system that runs it has a military grade encryption and so are extremely robust, so it should at this time at least be able to resist attack.

There are also other monetary systems that have also been launched outside of main stream banking but as far as I can see they are less trusted but economics is far from my level of expertise and so if you are thinking about joining in, you will have to do your own research as I am in no position to advice. But as we head into the New Year I will be keeping an eye on all systems and will try to give the best comment as possible.

It does seem though that all these new type of currencies do depend on the internet not going down as they are purely an online way of exchange, so providing the net stays online then your money should be safe. I haven’t found a reliable source as yet to tell me if say a massive solar flair take out the electronics that run the net, would happen to all the money that is virtually out there. It would be advisable though to print out hard copies of any transactions as a safe guard and proof of your account business.

If I had any spare money would I get involved, certainly not as yet as it is at the moment a way of profiting rather than being used as a workable currency, although some big business is looking to get involved so might work in the future. At the moment I can only see that it will make some people a lot of profit because they got in early and if they take some profit out now and leave some investment in.

I am still not sure though that if some disastrous event like a kill shot from the sun took place how it would pan out even with hard copies but that could also be said for our normal currencies anyway as all the markets run through the net and so is susceptible to an electronic meltdown if the unthinkable happened. 




Traditional science has dictated that because scientists as group of individuals are above average intelligence as dictated by them, anything below this level is just that, well below them.

But now due to us seeing that their measure of intelligence is sadly lacking due to it being only a measure of being able to absorb and hold onto doctrinal tenet, we can now disregard this very limited interpretation of what is clever.



In a further bid to stop the people Tibet having any say in self determination, the Chinese authorities are this month putting strict restrictions on the Tibetan people being born again. This I can only assume is so they can stop anybody admitting that they have reemerged with any preconceived ideas about wanting to be a free independent people.

Anyone who says they are a reincarnated person would automatically be breaking the law unless they have asked permission first in their previous life.



It works by the dish wobbling like a spinning plate on a stick and through pistons, then gathers the inertia which it converts to electricity.



This is one to keep an eye on because of its method of launch to the public by the manufacture. The company to start with, is only selling the generators in their own town. This means that we have a laboratory situation to validate it worthiness.

If they do work as claimed then a lot of counterfeits would flood onto the net and so this is another good reason to keep it restricted to one small town as it would automatically make all others for sale around the world fake. After they have proved their success, the company intends to only sell the devise to other distributors through very strict license agreements and so can be monitored against the scammers.



When we had an even more actively electric environment in the past, we can see how our forebears saw fiery monsters flying through the heavens.


The molten rock and surrounding dust and gas coming out of the volcano would all have an electrical penitential that was less than above the earth's surface because it comes from nearer to the earth's central point of globe balance and so would be of a lesser electrical charge.

As it rises into the atmosphere it would attract energy from the ionosphere. The dust and rock cloud would act as a capacitor which would store the charge until it became full and then would electrically explode by releasing it to ground. The volcanic cloud is first a negative Cathode receiving charge from the ionosphere.

It then is a capacitor and holds the charge and then becomes an Anode to release the charge to the Cathode earth. Whether it is atmospheric or volcanic types of matter, it is one of the types of mater that isn't the fourth state of matter which is electrically charged Plasma.






They spent $10 Billion looking for the Higgs boson particle when they could have asked Wal Thornhill or Don Scott for nothing.



In the world of information and disinformation we can’t trust anybody to give pure truth really and that of course could well include what I say. Everyone can be persuaded or fooled into giving out dodgy information from time to time, this can be achieved through threats, patriotism, hypnosis, or even ones own bias and/or inflated ego. But just because we question, it doesn't automatically mean that the alternative isn't relevant.

Einstein’s equation for relativity relies on the speed of light being not only a constant but also the fastest thing in the universe but as we know it isn’t. Gravity is also not constant and so straight away Relativity is out of the window.

But even if we ignore this, which is what traditional science of course does, it certainly doesn’t fit with Quantum Mechanics with its quantum entanglements how ever they do mathematical gymnastics with the equations.

Entanglements are virtually instantaneous communication and so quite a lot faster than the speed of light. This caused Einstein to describe them because of their light busting speed as spooky action at a distance.

Even though Entanglement are said to be virtually instantaneous, the virtual bit has upto now not actually been measured, due to its rapid action.
From 23:21




After last year’s first edition of this blog it is once again time to revisit these ideas but with the added research regarding our Electric Universe.

It has always been wondered how some of the more massive dinosaurs were able to get around in the past. It has been calculated the animals like the Sauropods were just too big to move around for long periods due to the amount of gravity that the earth produces pulling down on them.

The only answer that scientists have been able to come up with is that might have had to live at least some of their lives in swamps where they could partially float for some of the time. The scientists have also come up with the reason that they had such long necks and that is because they were like vacuum cleaners.

Conventional thinking gives all sorts of explanations as to what the earth was like long ago and so has to shoehorn dinosaur evolution into these accepted ideas of fact. This includes an earth that has always been the same size and so has always had roughly the same amount of gravitational force (remember its not completely constant).


But if the earth was smaller then the gravity would be a lot less and so they would have no difficulty getting around. The growth of the dinosaurs can also be seen in a backward form with them getting smaller rather than bigger as the gravitational force increasing with it.

In the following video we can see that South America was joined for quite a while after the other continents separated which meant the for runner of the T-Rex would have easily roamed out of the domain of Sauropods after ravishing it food supply.

Global expansion at once is more likely I think with the ash coming from this. We are told that the mid Atlantic Ridge is caused by the ocean beds of the earth pushing apart from the ridge causing subduction under the land masses of Africa and the Americas. To me it looked like a massive crack, especially when there isn't one running down the middle of the Pacific Ocean with its highly volatile ‘Ring of Fire’.

I would have thought that a ‘Ring of Fire’ would be more likely to be running around the Atlantic Ocean where the earth is pushing apart from a Mid Atlantic Ridge. But do we have volcanoes in Cornwall or even New York? No-

Evolution going backwards? Surely we can trust the scientists to know how carbon dating works can’t we. After all Carbon Dating and its decay is a constant isn't it?


The fossilized remains of the massive Sauropods have been found together suggesting that they not only lived in herds but also died together as a herd. The scientists thought that because we can see Wildebeests die on mass today as they try to cross rivers, then these dinosaurs met the same fate. But as we now know instant fossilization can happen instantaneously by electricity.

Plus the surrounding countryside where fossils have been found carries all the hallmarks of the landscape being electrically machined.
 So was the thunderbolts that struck the dinosaurs and the surrounding landscape also responsible for the expanding earth and a direct cause for their eventual demise, allowing mammals to take over supremacy of the planet.
We know that electricity can create fulgurites; they can even be made out of cat litter.
& on a planet wide scale
It is this very process that I believe not only changed the different periods of earth’s history but also created the different expansion periods but not in the time scales as traditionally guessed.

If this is the case then the discharges would have had to be massive to say the least with the earth’s core reaching unbelievable temperatures to make it expand to its present size before cooling down and setting to its present size.
But even if we take carbon dating as being incorrect, then this still leaves some important questions, why do some human remains show that we were around on earth at the same time as the dinosaurs.

Parts 1 & 2


What is gravity and where does it come from? From an Electric Universe perspective it must be a side effect of electromagnetism running through gas and so ionizing it, just like the EM spectrum which includes the light that we can perceive as well as that which we cannot they are by products of an Electric Universe.
As electricity runs through the gas it charges it and turns it to Plasma. I think as the charge moves to equalize through the Plasma it drags and it is this resistance which is manifesting as gravity. The electricity is coming from the outside via the ionosphere and pushing down on us as it grounds to earth and the bigger the mass, the bigger the attraction of charge towards the centre of the Cathode.



Although it is convenient to talk about the three dimensions in space, it is a contradiction in physics as space is literally devoid of anything. Plus because time is not constant and not a tangible object, it too from a true physics point of view must be discounted as a dimension.

And from my FB mate Harry Rosevfx-
“There is nothing but a man made convention of time, which is a projection on motion, trying to rationalize it. Just think of the historical basis for time: the earth's rotation. That rotation is not constant and has never been, the same goes for the perceived orbit of the earth around the sun. That speed isn't constant either. We need to adjust the calender and the length of the day on a regular basis, to make that convention work (more or less). Nowadays time is supposed to adhere to the constant speed of light in a vacuum... DANG! There isn't even a vacuum in the universe...”






You will probably have heard it already from various alternative media sources including this one and that is that the earth’s magnetic shield is weakening and that the European Space Agency has put into space a set of satellites into orbit to monitor the situation.

I would think that under normal circumstances they would have just gone about this with not too much fuss but due to the alternative media believing that we should be aware of the situation, but they are now seemingly making more effort to get the info out there.

This is not their fault as the scientists connected to the project have been in discussion with our governments about the importance of this but those who run our lives have in their in their infinite wisdom, not instructed the main stream media to say too much about it.

Of course the scientist as well as our governments knows as much as anyone does, so our governments choose to say very little, especially as their understanding of our Electric Universe which includes Earth’s and humanities history is to say the least very poor or even non existent. This of course means that a resource like this blog that does have a comprehension of the subject is maybe a better informed place to be to keep abreast of the situation.



You might want to skip the first seven and a half minutes of this extensive European Space Agency video as it is pointless unless you like the music and want to listen to it. They may know how to build satellites and put them into orbit but little of recorded video editing.

In the video (once it gets going) it does though have the scientists going along way to inform as many people as possible as to the implications of a weakening field and a complete flip.



Parts 12




In view of the evidence that things might well have happened a lot quicker than conventional guess work suggests, could the time periods between magnetic pole reversals be a lot quicker than the average of 450,000 years? Anyway what is time, it’s not a constant that’s for sure?

This time period has been worked out purely on the basis of Red Shift and as we know now know, Red Shift is wrong.

So if the last pole shift wasn't as long ago as suggested then when could it have been? Well the work of Dr. Richard Gentry might have some to say on this subject. Although I might or might not agree with his conclusion, his research is certainly very illuminating as to the time period of when granites were formed (if they were the last lot and not the only lot).



In last month as well as in previous edition’s we have seen how David LePoint has a completely different interpretation of how magnetic fields work and based on this modal, I will be giving a lot of thought to how the shifting poles and weakening field of the earth might be affected but to start with I think that either side of the equatorial region will be the place to watch as it is the point where the center point between the two halves of the magnetic shield.

As the planet turns through the year and just like the seasons will change, with the line of balance between north and south rising and falling above and below the equator and so directing the power within the magnetic field to different points on the planet where earth and water exist in close proximity and the earth’s internal mechanism is heightened.


There has been a lot of talk about Zero Point Energy over the years but this is a bit of a misnomer due to it being a misinterpretation of what is actually out there and that is the ordinary electricity that surrounds us.



In today’s cosmology which is supposed to be a total understanding of our universe, there is a lot of circular thinking going on, or as I prefer to call it, disappearing up their own Black Holes.

The true ideals of discovery is to look at the evidence and then work out what it is saying and not guess first and then try and shoehorn the evidence in to fit the guess work. As opposed to the looking at the very big through a telescope, the looking at the very small through a microscope should be the example to be followed.

When we expanded our sight by looking at the stars outside of visual light we saw cosmos emissions in the X-Ray wave lengths. But instead of trying to understand the simple explanation by already knowing what causes X-Rays and that being electricity, we somehow went down the road of fiction and into the world of holes and other substances that can’t be seen.

In the world of the very small when it was needed to see beyond what visible wave lengths of light could show us, ionized gas or as it is better known plasma was used and then the world of the electron microscope was  with us and our vision was vastly expanded. In the world of the very big in stead of seeing more we were suddenly blinded by objects that are actually invisible.

David Talbott's message in this presentation will be completed at EU2014 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 20 - 24, 2014. What does the Third Story look like in the light of the Electric Universe and the reconstructed ancient sky? If you have pondered this question, consider attending the conference to hear the answer first hand.”



But because NASA is totally ignorant of the facts or are just trying to keep hidden the facts, they keep pumping out the well worn out ideas of the past.





Of course traditional science still doesn't know yet what is going on but we do as we have seen it is a naturally accruing shape that appears when electromagnetic forces are involved.

Because an Electric Universe works from the smallest particle to the biggest galaxy and beyond we can see the electrical forces creating the hexagon shape even at the large scale.













It often seems that he is fighting against the whole world of conventional mathematics with his contrary view to the rest of conventional science. This is often the case with revolutionary people, they have to do battle with the mass that automatically except and regurgitate the excepted norm and because of this incur the wroth of those around them and so have to pay the price.

This happens to most people who dare to change any current paradigm and prove that the hierarchy who has it in their best interest at heart is wrong. This is because if it is proved and then accepted then not only is their funding at risk but also, it will leave their reputations and egos a bit bruised.


Curvature of spacetime, induced by the presence of matter, is a basic tenet of Einstein and his followers.

Einstein’s field equations

“couple the gravitational field (contained in the curvature of spacetime) with its sources.” (Foster and Nightingale 1995)

“In general relativity, the stress-energy or energy-momentum tensor T^{ab} acts as the source of the gravitational field. It is related to the Einstein tensor and hence to the curvature of spacetime via the Einstein equation.” (McMahon 2006)

“Mass acts on spacetime, telling it how to curve. Spacetime in turn acts on mass, telling it how to move.” (Carroll and Ostlie 1996)

“According to the general theory of relativity the metrical character (curvature) of the four-dimensional space-time continuum is defined at every point by the matter at that point and the state of the matter.” (Einstein 1917)

“The curvature of space is variable in time and place, according to the distribution of matter, but we may roughly approximate to it by means of a spherical space.” (Einstein 1917)

These are clear assertions that Einstein’s spacetime is curved and this curvature is induced by matter. According to Einstein (1916) everything other than his gravitational field is matter. Although in his paper in 1916 Einstein did not use the word ‘curvature’ for his spacetime, in relation to equation (46) he invoked ‘curvature, by the words:

“If the Gamma^{r}_{uv} vanish, then the point moves uniformly in a straight line. These quantities therefore condition the deviation of the motion from uniformity. They are the components of the gravitational field.” (Einstein 1916)


“Since gravitation is determined by the matter present, the same must then be postulated for geometry, too. The geometry of space is not given a priori, but is only determined by matter.” (Pauli 1981)

“Again, just as the electric field, for its part, depends upon the charges and is instrumental in producing mechanical interaction between the charges, so we must assume here that the metrical field (or, in mathematical language, the tensor with components ) is related to the material filling the world.” (Weyl 1952)

These too are clear assertions that Einstein’s spacetime geometry is determined by matter. This spacetime geometry has a certain curvature i.e. Einstein’s gravitational field IS the curvature of his spacetime, the curvature of his metrical field. Which curvature is claimed, since various curvatures are defined for any given metrical field? Does any proponent here of black holes and big bangs know? I have seen no evidence whatsoever that they do, so I will now expose it all for everybody here to see.

In the case of all alleged black hole universes (there are 4 alleged types) it is the Riemann tensor scalar curvature invariant, also known as the Kretschmann scalar. It is not zero and varies with radial distance. In the case of all alleged big bang universes (there are 3 alleged types) the curvature is constant and described by the pronumeral k in the usual writing of the Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric. If k = -1 spacetime is negatively curved and spatially infinite (an open model). If k = 0 spacetime has a zero curvature, i.e. it is flat, and spatially infinite (an open model). If k = 1 spacetime is positively curved, and spatially finite (a closed model).

Now note that none of the alleged black hole universes possess any of the three possible constant curvatures of any of the alleged big bang universes. Consequently black hole universes cannot be blended with big bang universes. Which black hole type universe in which big bang type universe do the proponents of black holes and big bangs allege? They never say!


Carroll, B. W. and Ostlie, D. A., An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, Addison--Wesley Publishing Company Inc., (1996)
Einstein, A., The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity, Annalen der Physik, 49, (1916)
Einstein, A., Cosmological Considerations of the General theory of Relativity, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akad. D. Wissenschaften (1917)
Foster, J. and Nightingale, J. D., A short course in General Relativity, Springer-Verlag Inc., New York, (1995)
McMahon, D., Relativity Demystified, A Self-teaching Guide (McGraw-Hill, New York, (2006)
Pauli, W., The Theory of Relativity, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, (1981)
Weyl, H., Space Time Matter, Dover Publications Inc., New York, (1952)



I haven’t touched on this for awhile due my writing my various versions of my talk, so to start the New Year I thought it might be worth re visiting because of the amount of people that seems to around at the moment with so many long lasting colds and flu. When the body has to fight metal induced poisoning, it takes away the ability for our bodies to fight ordinary infections at speed.


Even when there is no rain we can these days still see diffracted colours in the sky.



Parts 1 2


