Thursday 1 May 2014

Page 1 May '14

latest multiversal news & comment

Because humanity is now maturing out of its adolescence stage of development, the politics of events on earth cannot be separated from the politics of the intergalactic. This is because the decisions and actions that the power brokers that run the earth now make will show directly how they are likely to act when dealing with any intergalactic & interdimensional neighbours.

In the mine field of information and disinformation ‘The Multiverse’ endeavours to synthesise the many fields that make up our conscious perception of the universe., while at the same time, filtering out that which is fantasy as well as that which is deliberately put out to muddy of the waters of reality. The views and opinions offered by outside contributors & links are purely their own and are not necessarily those of ‘The Multiverse’.

If you are viewing this on a hand held device then you will getting only the posts and not the side bars. This is because after  testing, the Desk Top version got clunky and didn’t really work with the mobile devices. To see the info in the side-bars please view on a desk-top computer.




After decades of trying to get the message out there, Thornhill, Talbott and the rest were finally able to strike the match with last year’s 2013 Electric Universe conference, ‘The Tipping Point’.

After over a century of easily deflecting blows to their belief system, the scientific main stream are now having their feet unexpectedly and unbelievably to them, knocked from under them.

They are being (electrically) shocked to their very core and are now really struggling to keep a lid on it with an ever increasing flow of people now finding out. Never before has scientism’s doctrine & tenet been so openly opposed and they really don't know how to handle it after having had so many years unchallenged.

After successfully keeping the Standard Theory alive and Electrical Engineering & Plasma Physics mainly out of sight, what started as a trickle of people getting to know, a few years later has became a flood, with the www allowing people to make up their own minds rather than having to automatically believe doctrine.

The internet had changed the ball game and a large part of humanity became consciously liberated by making an independent assessment through self taught knowledge and contact with other like minded people.

So now, scientism is starting to loose its grip big time and on not only the reality that they live in but also the trust of the general populace. Black holes and other dark mystical things that can’t be in any way detected but believed in to be true were now being put on trial and the tables had turned, the belief period was over for scientism as people started to look at the evidence themselves.

How did this come about? Was it really just being ignorant of the overwhelming evidence, or was it brought about because there was a overwhelming desire by many to save their funding and reputations. It’s dark enough to just underhandedly try and save one's own status and pay packets rather than help move humanity forward, but some it seems would like to take this tone even further into the darkside.

This UK Professor and media personality said that the world as he knew it wouldn’t end around the 21st of December 2012 and that anyone who thought that it would, should be statistically run over by a bus so they would be removed from the human race and so let everyone else march forward. This graphically shows us a head being not only being full of just grey matter but also some of his dark matter as well.
Little did he know that the world as he knew it was in fact coming to an end and the human race was about to go through a complete change of understanding of how reality works and the implications that would come about because of it.

With the understanding of a three types of matter and gravity only model that has held the world back now coming to an end, the scientifically rational and reasoned approach as offered by those connected to Electric Universe have showed up the advocates of the Standard Model to be not only wrong but going to extraordinary lengths to hide the fact, with what seems like at times, sinister intent.

Just looking on the scientific side though, basing predictions purely on mathematical guess work is taking a bit of a gamble to say the least.

But isn't that indicative of our society today with the rise of and falls of economies mirroring this. With other calculators once again in charge and guessing with our lives.

Plus of course, because the mathematical predictions are based purely on guess work, they consistently don't get many of them anywhere near right.



Parts 12




Stephen Crothers explains in Layperson’s language why a big bang/black hole universe is simply ridiculous and gives an excellent explanation of the very silly nature of traditional thinking. This is the human calculator that showed up the rest by giving the emperor a mirror to look in and the emperor saw he was wearing sweet Fanny Adams.




From the first arrow shot toward the heavens to the most recent space probe, we are reaching for the sky. David Novak shares a key piece of story evidence and the moment it all came together.



Fractals are the strikingly beautiful images of complex and chaotic systems. While they have existed in nature for billions of years, only in the last few decades has modern mathematics and science started to acknowledge their importance. Indeed, fractals have recently transformed our understanding of a wide range of natural phenomena, and fractal math provides a new language for quantifying the patterns of nature. Unfortunately, our educational systems and our culture at large have not yet caught up with this conceptual revolution.
















This basic introduction is designed for not only those who are classically tutored but also for the ordinary individual in the street who knows of, or has an interest in the basics of cosmology and generally how our universe works. It does not go into massive and complicated detail but in stead just lays out the basic scientific findings along with some good old common sense and due to the simplicity of this, should be more than enough for most people who do have an interest, to comprehend.


After the success of the first two talks at Birkbeck, University of London my colleague and I took a bus up the M40 from London to Oxford to the Student’s Union Open Discussion Group.

Obviously with only an hour available to give our presentation we can only give an overview of a subject which after all covers the whole of cosmology and because the talk is designed to informative to Layperson and Professor alike, it is a rather unique challenge.

But thanks to the feed back that I have received over the first three talks from different people, we know have a talk that can be the first introduction to this cosmology with the chance to expand on this in the Q&A section at the end.

Unlike the nearly full demonstration rooms at Birkbeck though, Oxford Brookes was a lot less attended but the quality of listener surely made up for it. The lack of attendees wasn't a total surprise though as it was their first talk after Easter and not everyone was back from their break.

The event was recorded though on a little camera so those who did miss it can get to see it if they wish and find out that the many, many, many thousands of pounds that they have borrowed for their education is for an old and well out of date cosmology and that the truth is being on the whole withheld from them by the hierarchy of scientism and seemingly on purpose.

Where there was a lack of students however, there was some senior individuals and in particular one of great interest who represented the main stream of physics education. As a personage from the main stream, he was perfect for me to gauge what they actually knew and was aware of as far as the Electric Cosmology goes and basically showed that most know absolutely nothing of it. I didn't think though it was the right time to question them why this was the case when the research was really easy to do.

Having this smaller audience did mean that I could keep an eye on both facial expressions as well as body language in general. So it was of great benefit in the end as I could see that they were totally shocked with disbelief that there was so much that they were unaware of (99.9+%), like the details of the NASA footage from Comet Temple One, what happened and what it really revealed.

This first step in the re-education of science in Oxford was in the end a success as it was decided that we at the talk at least must take this further for the sake of UK education and to make sure that the students in the UK don’t get left behind in the near and more distant future.

We will of course have to wait to see if this does go any further but I can’t imagine now that the rock that we dropped into the pond wouldn’t have ripples that would spread far and wide.


If you would like to book us to give our talk to you and your group whether in a university or elsewhere,  just click ‘View my complete profile’ at the bottom of the right side-bar and then the ‘Email’ button on the left.


At the end of my Layperson's introduction talk on our Electric Universe, I very briefly touch on where our understanding might take us and it seems that we are already getting there with plasma getting medical applications and the joint winner of the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2008, Luc Montagnier claiming that “DNA can send ‘electromagnetic imprints’ of itself into distant cells.


This is what I say regarding the prospect of possible times to come-

“And looking to the future, and as an example of how it might well pan out, I can imagine a time when developing chemical compounds for instance; in the future they will be designed by the electromagnetic interactions of the atoms in the molecules, rather than being formulated by traditional methods.

Even on a simple level, when developing an adhesive material, it might well be done by manipulating the electrical charge of the molecules in the different surfaces.

Or when treating a Cancer we might well be able to break the magnetic attraction that holds the molecules together that makes up the tumour, rather than by poisoning it with chemotherapy which of course affects and to a large extent the rest of the body.

Plus but going off at a bit of a tangent. As we are now reading from the same page as the rest of the universe as to how it works, we might well see the rest of the universe responding by in the years to come wanting to look at the book of humanity with a bit more of an exoteric presence and finally and openly saying hello.”


Most people would answer that it is just the stuff that comes out of a mains wall socket or words to that effect but this question is actually a lot more complex than you might at first think.


We all mostly know that a quartz watch works by squeezing the crystal but this not totally correct as it is actually bent rather than just squeezed and it is this that gives us the power.

In a quartz crystal the atoms are aligned in such a way that when the crystal is bent it induces a separation of charge with the positive charge of the atoms going to one side of the crystal and the negative to the other. Then when the crystal is then allowed to return to its original shape the negative and positive comes back together with a bang and the electricity can then be harvested.

This basic technology is now being taken out of our time pieces and into wider life to utilize this energy that is freely available just by moving through life.



 “. . . there is a possibility of obtaining energy not only in the form of light, but motive power, and energy of any other form, in some more direct way from the medium. The time will be when this will be accomplished, and the time has come when one may utter such words before an enlightened audience without being considered a visionary. We are whirling through endless space with an inconceivable speed, all around us everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere is energy. There must be some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly. Then, with the light obtained from the medium, with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from the store forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides. The mere contemplation of these magnificent possibilities expands our minds, strengthens our hopes and fills our hearts with supreme delight. . . . “
- Nikola Tesla -


Yarlung Tsangpo river Tibet



Distant and dim, the brown dwarf WISE J085510.83-071442.5 (snappy name, there) could well have passed unnoticed since it's not large enough to ignite nuclear fuel to radiate visible light.
However, NASA's WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) has spotted it, and further work by the Spitzer Space Telescope yielded a surprise: it's the coldest brown dwarf discovered so far, with a surface temperature of between -48 and -13°C, or -54 and -9°F.
FB Editor's Note: Yes, you read that right, a COLD star. At -54 to -9 degrees Fahrenheit, the planet was about the same temp as northern Wisconsin USA this past winter. The last paragraph of the article was particularly interesting: " . . . small enough that there's a chance it's a gas giant planet similar to Jupiter that's been ejected from its system."


This month we see the culmination of the 10 year journey of the space probe Rosetta and one which those in the Electric Universe as well as traditional cosmology have been waiting for with interest.

Because of spectacular failure of traditional cosmology to get it right in their predictions the last time probes visited Comet Temple 1 and proving it to be a rocky body rather than a dirty snowball as predicted by Wal Thornhill of the Electric Universe community, this is expected to be an even bigger disappointment to those who believe in the standard model of the universe.

We will have to wait for another half a year for an actual attempted touch down on the comets surface by the probe’s lander section because the main part of the probe will be in orbit around the comet and mapping it first. Once the lander touches down the mission is due to then last for another year and end in December 2015.

Because a comet is a small body its gravity is extremely week so the probe has been equipped with a harpoon to spear the ‘dirty snowball’ and reel then itself in on a tether. The probe has also been designed to then deploy some ice anchors to screw into the surface and solidly secure the lander to the comet’s surface once it has touched down.

But because of the nature of comets being rocky bodies like an asteroid I am expecting that because the harpoon launcher on the probe is fired by a pneumatic piston, it won't have too much force and so will bounce of the surface and so, one of the main elements of the mission will fail at this point.

If it does manage to spear the comet though and then haul itself in, it then has to deploy its ice screw feet into a surface a lot harder than they were designed for which will make the mission a lot harder but possibly more exciting.

Unlike the metal probe that hit Comet Temple 1 and showed the electrically active nature of the comet before and as it struck, the tether is made from a non conductive material and the lander made from aluminized carbon fibre honeycomb cylinder, so there is not an electrical events expected like before due to the electrical potential being the same because the probe would have been in orbit for six months but the electronics might still be affected.



It is now becoming very clear to a growing number of scientists as well as ordinary members of the public that not only is the standard model just slightly floored but is in fact almost completely and utterly wrong.

It is plainly being seen that piece by piece the standard model is coming apart. But rather than theorizing that the standard model maybe wrong and there might actually be another way that the universe works.

The traditionalists carried on with blind doctrine and refused to do a bit of simple research into our not too distant history, and see that what they should in all honesty be doing is throwing the standard model out of the window.

Some traditional scientists at this moment because they find it impossible to fully give up the old model can see an electromagnetic effect so are trying to graft onto their existing assumptions of a mechanical nuclear universe onto some sort of electromagnetic understanding, which is of course like trying to mix oil and water.


View in 3D



Because of the pressure from the free media to bring to the attention of the general public what is going on in the world, more and more people are becoming aware of what is really going on in the world today. The main stream is fine if you want to know the sensational, what’s sexy or just irrelevant but if you want to be truly informed stay free.






Having looked at what anarchism is really about and whether it was a realistic dream or just wishful thinking, I didn’t realize that Hobbits were anarchists.








After failing in their last attempt to find any Dark Matter but successfully securing the funding of loads more money from the tax payer, some scientists are once again descending down a old mine shaft in South Dakota and looking for black gold.

So we are left once again wondering what will happen when they once again find nothing. Will they admit defeat, give up and go back to school to find out how the universe really works or just say that the detector was faulty or not good enough and so need even more dosh to carry on with their experiment in getting funding?




Of course there is no Mystery, it’s just NASA finally seeing the connection but admitting that they are still totally blind (intentionally) or still ignorant to the reason. After looking and seeing that 'It's all about the Evidence', more and more people now know that we live in an Electric Universe and not a purely mechanical one with the Standard Model failing decades ago.

Calling normal magnetic fields 'Teleconnections' just goes to show how desperate the main stream is in trying to catch up and discover what we already know and that is that we live in an Electric Universe. But as it has been known for decades, NASA should really do the decent thing and go and ask those connected to the Thunderbolts Project who will kindly tell them how the universe works.

Spending billions on going over old ground instead of peer reviewing previous work isn’t a good working plan in my books.




After spending 10 Billion on building the thing and countless millions on keeping it running, the scientist and researchers at CERN are determined that their little baby would not go down in history as growing up to be a total White Elephant.

In an unprecedented move to gain immortality of the experimental collider, a particle has been said to be detected and named after the tunnel, albeit of course and as per usual, they are only “statistically certain” of the particle's existence.






The dream of Nicolas Tesla to give energy to the world without having to use high tension copper transmission lines is once again being developed with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology saying that they have achieved transferring power across a five meter gap using a ‘Dipole Coil Resonant System’.


Due its fuel efficiency this duel drive car has been barred from the states. With a tiny 800cc diesel engine and an electric motor and battery, this hybrid does 0-62mph in 12.2 seconds and has a top speed of 99mph.

But the most impressive figures and the reason that it won’t be seen on the other side of the pond is that it does 313 miles per gallon. This is achieved because of its light weight, duel fuel drive and its aerodynamic design. This adds up to costing you £1.40 to take 62 miles with overall carbon dioxide emissions of just 21g/km.

The problem is though and even if your on this side of the pond, is that VW are only going to make a limited edition run of them, which means that they aren’t going to be cheap even if you can get hold of one in the first place. Because even outside of the States and even if you can afford one, you have to apply to buy one and so it is not guaranteed that you’d be given the right to purchase one anyway.

VW didn’t come up with ‘green dream machine’ over night but is just the latest version in an ongoing development program. But why is it taking so long to develop, I would think that this would have been pushed along in a normal competitive free market as this car would be an instant best seller with its extreme fuel efficiency and decent 21st century looks. It just goes to show why some people like myself see oil interests trying everywhere to control the world.

When you have governments and their climate agency scientists saying that we must without delay combat carbon based fuel emissions because of ‘Global Warming’, why are they not getting involved in the development costs to make it happen now? Maybe they don’t really think it makes any difference to ‘Global Warming’ and so why give up a cash cow?





Looking at the state of denial when confronted by other truths with disagree with one’s own belief system. It’s not only in scientism that there is a blind spot; it can apply to any belief system.




Parts 123456






After our space probes have shown us that a lot of the Mars’ surface has exactly the same formations as an electrically machined surface that is produced on earth, the International Space Station via UrtheCast has now shown us with its first image the exactly same features on the earth.


Parts 12


Once again the explanations for the observations differ between the official explanation and that of the EU. With the official story being that the water and ice seen coming from the polar region of the moon was because of a mechanical reaction where as the EU saying that it is electrical arcing.


Part 12



















Under the smoke screen of information and disinformation it is really hard to tell one from the other and now that we know of our government’s Black Budget and that they have some exotic weaponry and flying craft, it is making it even harder to know what is what.

In the early days it was easy to tell the difference because humanities technology was in its infancy and the objects noted were doing manoeuvres which we couldn't come close to. But now all these years later with decades of back engineering behind them, the military/industrial complex can hide themselves in the uncertainty.











