Saturday 1 March 2014

Page 1 March '14

latest multiversal news & comment
Because humanity is now maturing out of its adolescence stage of development, the politics of events on earth cannot be separated from the politics of the intergalactic. This is because the decisions and actions that the power brokers that run the earth now make will show directly how they are likely to act when dealing with any intergalactic & interdimensional neighbours.

In the mine field of information and disinformation ‘The Multiverse’ endeavours to synthesise the many fields that make up our conscious perception of the universe., while at the same time, filtering out that which is fantasy as well as that which is deliberately put out to muddy of the waters of reality. The views and opinions offered by outside contributors & links are purely their own and are not necessarily those of ‘The Multiverse’.

If you are viewing this on a hand held device then you will getting only the posts and not the side bars. This is because after  testing, the Desk Top version got clunky and didn’t really work with the mobile devices. To see the info in the side-bars please view on a desk-top computer.


Although I don't think it has gone into another dimension like some people have suggested, the location is rather close to the Devil's Triangle which has been plotted on the earth grid and so a potent electromagnetic hotspot. Although the disappearance was to the south west of the triangle it was very close to the equator and between the Devil’s Triangle and another Hotspot that runs down to South Africa. At the point where it crosses another grid line that runs through the Northern tip of Australia and up to India.


With the increase in electricity that is getting through from the ionosphere now and which has been stirring our weather, I have been wondering since a day or so after the plane vanished if this might be the cause. With the Aurora Borealis being seen in the lower latitudes of the UK at the end of February we know that the Solar Flair that had hit the Earth had juiced up the earth’s magnetic field.


A big electrical discharge with an associated EM pulse could knock out all the electronics on the plane if it was caught in a vortex running down from the ionosphere to the earth. The force would have to punch a hole through skin of the aircraft first though otherwise the plane will act as a Faraday cage with the charge running around the airframe and doing no harm.

There have been many examples of ships and planes suddenly vanishing over the years in this vicinity for no apparent reason so I am suggesting that they could also be electrical vortex phenomena dragging them down to their doom.

Although we usually think of electrical events as lightning, this is not the only electrical event that happens atmospherically, Tornadoes/Waterspouts are other examples (which can also be seen on Mars in the Dust Devils). But the evidence doesn’t suggest this being a downing that happened straight away as it seems now that after having the radio and location transponder turned off, the plane then carried on for some considerable time.

Electricity likes to ground itself to earth through water as is seen with the Waterspouts over Lake Michigan and also the Catatumbo lightning that happens in Venezuela and this has lead me to conclude as to why Hurricanes loose power as they make landfall, with the change of matter from liquid to solid suddenly dissipating their strength.


Electricity is the major component in changing one type of matter into another. Take iced water for instance. By inputting electricity into it, it melts and becomes water, put in more energy and it becomes vapor, put in even more and it becomes plasma.

Although not generally known about, the world energy grid is known about in the free media and so the location of the planes disappearance must be looked at in relation to the solar flare that hit the earth.


It has also been noted that certain other flying craft have also had EM effects on normal aircraft, although I think this one wasn't this type of incident but it does show how EM fields can get through a Faraday Cage. 


If the disaster was caused by an extreme electrical event whether internal or external, then it might well have started some sort of electrical fire. In order to find the circuit that was causing the fire the pilot would have to remove the circuits one by one and so communication and the transponder would have been disabled as well in the process. After this if the fire got very severe, then the smoke could well have rendered the crew and passengers unconscious with the plane flying on auto pilot until the fuel ran out. 


Of course with an electrically active ionosphere, any auroral research program that was running might well be a dangerous thing to be experimenting with in the days just  after an electrical sun event. 



Not that it’s ever been not here, just kept hidden from students & the general public.

I was invited to attend and give my Laymen’s introduction talk to those who are completely new to this paradigm of an Electric Universe, but unfortunately due to financial restraints I will not be able to make it, so I wish all the others that will be able to attend all the very best and a wonderful time.

Hopefully I will be able to get over in 2015 but in the mean time I am still available for bookings in the UK, if you can take my particular style of delivery (i.e. relaying provable facts rather than the traditional extremely bad guess work).

Because the Thunderbolts Project invited me along in the first place I am now in constant contact with them and as such, if you need any information on or what it means to live in an Electric Universe I am in the position to keep you informed of any developments during and after the event. You can find a mail address for me by clicking ‘View my complete profile’ at the bottom of the right hand side bar >>>

I have had a discussion with a certain TV production company in the UK in respect to making a single or series of programs explaining the new paradigm and in the short term funding my trip to Albuquerque but after what I thought was a fruitful meeting and even giving over my script that I use in my presentation, they then refused to answer any calls, texts or emails and have completely blanked me and I can only now ponder on the reason for this.

This is obviously a real shame because I had already discussed this with Dave Talbott over Skype and they were ready to offer any help with interviews and other info that we would need to produce the program/s.

Starting at 18:00 MST on the 20th March 2014 and ending at 17:00 MST (approx) on Monday 24th March 2014.

Yes once more as is always the case, traditional astronomical assumptions gets it completely incorrect and the advocates of the Electric Universe modal get it completely right. As far back as 2006 Wal Thornhill predicted what the space probes that were heading for the edge of the Suns influence (called the heliosphere) would find when they got there.

On the other hand because traditional cosmology deals with only the types of matter that make up no more then 0.1% of all matter in the universe, they guessed badly that the so called space between planets and stars is electrically neutral and so this definitely means, that we as a species need to rid ourselves of the past so we can move forward into the future.

And after all these years of being proved right in their predictions, it is now with little doubt a fact that we desperately need to have the right people exploring our reality and teaching the following generations and it is those who are already involved in Electric Cosmology. Of course we are still at the beginning of this journey and don’t know all the answers yet but what we do know is that the Electric Universe community know 99.9% more than the traditionalists.


They still haven't got a clue with the only thing they continually get right being that they are surprised by what they have observed. Do they really put out this to amuse those in the EU community?

Of course not, it’s to save their pay-packets, reputations and convince the public that there is no other proof of how our reality works and because the Main Stream Media doesn't report on the alternative evidence that is easily to hand, they too must take responsibility for this and so should also be seriously questioned and those responsible, got rid of.

Before watching the next clip please remember that traditional astrophysics says that super novas are explosions, which means that by their very nature they are chaotic, go in every direction and are not at all structured.

This state of affairs though is now catching up with traditional Cosmology and the MSM, as it is now quite obvious that they are completely up there own Black Holes with the hierarchy of scientism having to contradict each other as well as themselves and are continually surprised by their experimentations due to bad guess work built on wrong assumptions.

The MSM though see nothing is wrong with this but instead of questioning these discrepancies, report on it as if it’s normal to not know what is going on. Even though traditional cosmology predictions bare no resemblance to reality and have to come up with even more bazaar explanations as to why they are always wrong, the MSM never question this but instead report what they are told like good little lap dogs (no offence to lap dogs intended).

The Speed of Light is a fine example of this because it is one of the bastions of knowing for certain by the establishment what makes reality work. But even this is now being called into question by themselves.







When I first started this blog many years ago, among the topics I looked at was HAARP and weather modification in general and was roundly condemned by some people (including some close friends) as being a conspiracy nut. Well a ‘conspiracy’ is a ‘plan to commit an act (& quite often illegally) by two or more people’ and a nut is a source of fruitful protein so I guess they were right but just not quite how they meant it.

But seeing that our governments know nothing (or at least admit to knowing nothing) of our Electric Universe, using any type of wave from the Electromagnetic spectrum be it radio or light, this is now a very dangerous position for our planet and its ecosystem to be in. How can they mess around with the EM spectrum in an electrical environment without knowing the effects and that those effects and that it won’t be massively detrimental to us all? Then again maybe they do!

And this of course is before we get on to the fact that they are adding by the thousands of ton, metal particulates into the atmosphere which is of course is a great conductor of electricity.














Be inline with The Independent Media Exchange and ‘emit’ the future (an electric current runs both ways in a circuit). It’s where you can gain by not only reading between the lines but also by seeing the letters (which ever way they are presented) and then sharing that knowledge.


“This is, however, exactly what I will attempt to do with this text: I will try to tell the actual history of the world and humanity -- in the face of knee-jerk reactions and spitting noises by those who know better. This is not my story, but the efforts of a great many other people, and based on evidence in plain view.”


Because the current state of affairs in our higher thinking establishments, it has managed to indoctrinate a closed circuit way of rationalization into nearly all students who go through the system and so has been since the day of Gaslight and has instilled into generations of students the mind set of being completely blinkered to any new ideas as to how the universe works and this is why we still use such outdated ideas as the basis of cosmology without question.

By teaching what is regarded as absolute proof by doctrinal rhetoric, it brain washes the student to think that their way of rationalizing the world is superior to any other way of thinking and so automatically dismiss anything outside of tenet and so, not even having the need to do any decent research.

Plus because this way of thinking is geared up to expanding the ego to think others are less knowledgeable and so inferior, when a subject is introduced which is outside of tenet and the ego has no knowledge of, rather than looking lacking, the hypnotized mind set is deigned that there be no need for such a subject to be looked at and so is automatically dismissed and so save the inflated ego and doctrine from getting damaged.

They conclude that if others who have gone through the same indoctrination process don’t bother to look at subject, then they by association don’t need to either and can by conclusion just say that it is rubbish because no one else of any note will take them seriously anyway.

But let’s look at the type of person in the past that was not classically trained in this way of religious scientism and so forwarded humanity by being self taught.



You might get undergraduate credits with the following 13 week online course but is it going to be relevant, having only credits in science fiction? In light of the mass of evidence that we now have that we live in an Electric Universe, should this be allowed to continue without an alternative theory being offered?

We know this type of teaching is hypnotic suggestion because they have to use a repeating mantra of nothing being there in between planets and stars but empty space. This is repeated time and time again by all traditional sections of science and the MSM to instill in the viewers the belief that the old outdated way of thinking is correct. This process is now being known as pseudo scientific dogmatism, or as it more commonly known, scientism.

In this first lecture Bruce Betts give an over view as to what is to be expected, like mentioning that there are magnetic fields on the sun being made by bar magnets and that they somehow exist under the photosphere to create the loops that we see. But he then quickly moves on without any explanation as to how this works or how the bar magnets got there in the first place, this is of course because it is absolute rubbish.

Like a lot of astrophysics, it says things as fact without any evidence that this is the right interpretation and just ploughs on with the worn out model that doesn’t in anyway go with observational evidence and lab experimentation. This is why they are always completely surprised by their findings and have to make scientific statements like ‘we think’ ‘maybe’ and getting a ‘whiff of’.

As opposed to the guess work built on old guess work that traditional science uses today, the Electric Universe explanation of reality doesn’t guess first, it looks and then uses experimentation to find out what is what.


It must be remembered though that not all features on planetary bodies will automatically be electrical in nature, so we mustn’t fall into the same Black Hole that the so called intellectuals of the past have done.

Even when your eyes and simple common sense tells you its right, if the system says you are wrong, ignore them and stick with what you know to be right, unless some new evidence comes along and means that you need alter your stance. This is contrary to the hold on to all out dated ideas at any cost way of thinking that is taught today.


If you are one of the new students who are now finding out about our Electric Universe and are struggling with how you proceed with your education, then I feel for you. But you are at the beginning of this evolutional jump and so are better off than the rest but there will be to say the least some concern at spending what amounts to being a heap of money on leaning what amounts to being nothing more than very poor science fiction and so you will be left with the feeling of what to do now.

In the mean time while waiting for the adjustment period to kick in properly, which I suspect to be about this time next year, you either change course straight away or carry on with your current studies while at the same time teaching yourself about how electricity works in conjunction with the new cosmology.


After Rupert’s talk, the TED organization actually banned this talk and removed it from their resource in order to try and keep the truth away from students and the general public. But because of the scientific evidence saying that we do live in an Electric Universe his ideas and experimental science fitted in perfectly with interacting electromagnetic fields and so spoke at last year’s Thunderbolts conference.






Yes this has been an ongoing inquiry in the alternative media for some time now. I do my own weather updates and have been reporting on this for some years and so I have been waiting to see what this present Solar Cycle was going to do with a weakening field as a possible precursor to a magnetic flip.

I like others am now thinking that our weakening field in conjunction with all the other planets in the Solar System plus influences from our galactic parent are directly connected to the lack of Sunspots at this maximum cycle. This is because all of the planets in the solar system have taken on more energy in the last couple of decades and not just the Earth.

As the planets get juiced up there is less instability on the Sun’s photosphere and so less sunspots and so flaring. It’s a shame that we don’t have the data for the other planets during the Maunder Minimum to make a comparison.

Because of our weakening magnetic field we know more electricity will get through and we are seeing a definitely correlation between the weather being more turbulent and a lack of Sunspots activity with extreme weather records being broken with every season somewhere on the globe.

For the last few months I have been in the opinion that electricity is the main driver of our weather with the High and Low pressure systems being caused not by the sun's heat (although that will have an effect on the general weather) but by the electrical connections between the earth and the ionosphere with the Lows being the down current and the Highs the returning one (although this may be the other way round).

One thing is for sure though and that is that the Sun is going through a quiet period at the moment, so it might even be good that we have a quiet period because with a weakening field not being able to protect us, any big Solar ejections could reek havoc here on earth with our modern way of life running on electrical devices.











Apart from the last couple of minutes when they talk about the sun being nuclear driven, it goes along with Le Point's lab experiments of shaped magnetic torus fields.




I acquired a new flat mate last month. I was removing a sock from the washing hanger when I felt something drop from the sock and onto my hand and then start to move around.

Yes it was a big house spider with beautiful brown stripy markings. Because I didn’t jump about and throw it at the wall in fear but rather enjoyed the unexpected interaction s/he knew that I wasn’t going to do it any harm, put him/her on the ground and go where s/he wanted.

So in the time to come as we get to know each other I am now going to see if s/he wants to go for walks with me. It could just sit on my shoulder and look really cool as I wander down the road.




There is definitely less going on with Sunspots and the associated solar flairs that affects our Earth, especially as we are now in a period of Solar maximum.  But if you read this blog regularly you would have also seen that I talk about more electricity stirring up our weather systems as well as geological events such as earthquakes.


In an Electrical model a swirling column of matter is electrically driven. On earth the matter is our gaseous atmosphere. On the sun it’s Plasma.



“Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this
subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena. My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself
the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.”






Because we know that electricity is intrinsic to all life from the atom to beyond galaxies, how does an EU go along with sticking small needles in the body? Electricity gives off X-Rays and so, if there are lines of electricity running through our bodies as part of how our bodies work then logically they should be able to be seen with an X-Ray scanner.



If you know this name you will now that he is known for his experimentation with water and talking to it, or rather being nice to it as well rather nasty…

…and was made famous in the film ‘What the bleep do we know’. Although it was well received and infused about in certain places around the world, in the UK it was totally ignored by the media and so kept well under the radar. If you haven’t seen the whole film upto now, then it is well worth taking an hour and a bit out of you day and clicking the next link.

Since the ground breaking film that was lost to most people in this country Dr. Emoto’s work went into exploring if rice when submerged in water and talked to would have any similar effects.





This is a question that I know rather well, as it is one I have lived with for most of all of my memories and it on the face of it has done me good, or at least kept me going during the rough times. But there is a definitely a split between those who have enjoyed their interactions and those who have been horrified by it.

Others around the world have reported to have had really bad encounters and so, are there good and bad ones out there or just all bad as the Gnostics would suggest? But as they point out themselves, anyone can be given a bit of truth and then get tricked into thinking that their piece of the puzzle is all encompassing? So have they too only got it partially correct?










There are a lot of people who know that a lot of stuff that Mr. Icke talks about is right but can’t bring themselves to admitting it openly. This is due to Mr. Icke gatherings being too much like a well attended religious talk, plus of course there is the question of him thinking that the Queen and the rest of the Royal Family being reptiles.




Part 12



Why are our governments cooling the planet with geo-engineering when all the evidence is that we are heading in a period of global cooling?









(including humans)





When working under the free will of the higher mind, a Soul fusion is taken place with the personality merging. Part of this is training is to intuit answers, this hones telepathy skills. Much is taught in esoteric teaching and some isn’t.

In the worlds of information and disinformation much is put out to mist reality, either just as individual points or more complete fabrications. This is used to keep certain individuals and groups guessing, as well as being part of intuition process to see not only the intended falsehoods but also understand why.






MR. Stephen Crothers



“This is how the proponents of black holes, big bangs, and Cosmic Microwave Background suppress the truth.


(1) The doctoring of the COBE-FIRAS graphs remains unaddressed here by proponents of big bangs and CMB afterglows thereof, despite Dishman admitting, apparently after subsequent checking, that data < 2cm^(-1) has been omitted. Dishman initially claimed that no data < 2cm^(-1) was obtained.

(2) To obtain an image of the Cosmos we have to peer through the Milky Way, because we are located within it. The Milky Way radiates, including in the microwave bands. If it is assumed that there is some Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, any raw image of it will contain the radiation from the Milky Way. Any raw image in microwaves will therefore be contaminated by the radiation fog of the Milky Way. This fog is not isotropic (i.e. it is not the same in all directions and not independent of time). It is effectively noise that must be removed from a raw image.

(3) Any raw image can be thought of as made up of layers of transparencies. Each transparency contains part of the raw image. Some layers contain noise and the others contain the supposed CMB. All the noise layers have to be removed to leave behind the supposed CMB.

(4) There are two objectives: (a) to detect the supposed isotropic CMB mean temperature, (b) to detect the supposed CMB anisotropies. The anisotropies are not uniform, that is why they are called anisotropies – they are not isotropic. The CMB sky is expressed as a spherical harmonic expansion. The supposed CMB mean blackbody temperature at 2.725 K is the monopole component of CMB maps. Monopole measurements can only be made with absolute temperature devices, such as the COBE-FIRAS instrument; although this is actually the difference between the sky and the calibrator on board FIRAS.

(5) The raw image layers analogy consists of a layer for the anisotropic radiation from the Milky Way, called the galactic foreground; a layer for the isotropic monopole signal which is the overall supposed CMB mean temperature; a layer for the anisotropic dipole signal produced by the motion of the detector with respect to the local group of galaxies, and which comprises the first spherical harmonic of the spherical harmonic expansion of the CMB sky; and layers for the supposed anisotropies buried deep within the alleged CMB and which are due to what are called the higher order multipoles, such as the quadrupole signal, the octupole signal, etc. each contributing a separate layer to the raw image. CMB stands for Cosmic Microwave Background. The alleged isotopic mean temperature is the monopole signal. Thus, cosmic monopole signal or monopole signal is correct terminology, especially since it stands in contrast to the actual monopole signal from the Earth – the Earth monopole signal – which was what Penzias and Wilson observed from the ground and reported in 1965, and what COBE-FIRAS detected in low Earth orbit. Rockets and balloons, all in Earth’s atmosphere, have also detected the Earth monopole signal, because the source is the Earth, but it has been incorrectly assigned to the Cosmos. That no monopole signal has been detected at the Second Lagrange Point (L2) some 1.5 million km from Earth reaffirms that there is no cosmic monopole – the monopole signal detected in Earth’s atmosphere and in low Earth orbit is the monopole microwave signal emitted by water on Earth and in Earth’s atmosphere. In the absence of the cosmic monopole signal all alleged maps of CMB anisotropy are entirely meaningless.

(6) The galactic foreground signal is in milli-Kelvin (mK), the monopole signal is supposed to be ~ 3K, the dipole signal is in mK, and the anisotropies are in micro-Kelvin. Thus, the supposed anisotropies are 1000 times weaker than the noise (the galactic foreground signal and the dipole signal are non-uniform noise that fog the raw image).

(7) The Cosmic Background Explorer – Far-Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (COBE-FIRAS) was an absolute mode detector. It compared the ‘sky’ with its onboard calibrator. After data-processing out the galactic foreground and the dipole signal the FIRAS team reported an alleged remaining CMB with a temperature of 2.725 K. Recall that they reported in their interferograms an alleged “near null” between sky and calibrator at 2.759 K, which is far from 2.725 K, and that they suppressed the amplitudes of the top and bottom traces to give the false impression that a “near null” was obtained at 2.759 K. But COBE was in Earth orbit at an altitude of about 950km and it had no protection from extraneous microwaves. COBE-FIRAS had a shield, but it was only for RF/thermal, not for microwaves. Microwaves are emitted by water. About 70% of the surface of the Earth is covered by water and the atmosphere also contains water. Microwaves emitted from the oceans of the Earth and water in the atmosphere are scattered by the atmosphere so that in steady state conditions an isotropic bath of microwaves floods the atmosphere. Microwaves from Earth’s atmosphere is what the COBE-FIRAS detected, not a cosmic signal. COBE-FIRAS did not detect a cosmic signal at all. It detected an Earth Microwave Background (EMB).

(8) Also aboard COBE was the Differential Microwave Radiometers (DMR). You will recall from my previous post that a differential instrument collects radiation via two separate antennae and these two detections are compared to one another by means of subtracting one antenna dataset from the other antenna dataset. Any signal that is supposed isotropic is the same in both antennae and in all directions the antennae are pointed and does not vary with time. Consequently, the alleged CMB monopole signal, which is supposed isotropic, is the same in each antenna and so when subtracted it disappears from the resulting difference dataset. Data produced by a differential instrument is difference data. It therefore does not matter what the temperature of the supposed CMB monopole signal is, it does not matter if it is blackbody radiation or not, and it does not matter if it is actually there or actually not there. A differential instrument is blind to isotropic signals. A differential instrument can only detect anisotropies. Thus, the COBE-DMR were blind to the monopole signal. Now when George Smoot, Principal Scientist on the DMR, removed the dipole signal by data-processing, he puzzled very puzzled as to why his supposed anisotropies did not appear in his images. After all, if all this processing is well, and there are anisotropies in the alleged CMB, they should have appeared by then. But they didn’t. He tried every which way to make them appear, but they didn’t. Finally, on the spur of the moment, he decided to data-process out the supposed quadrupole signal. Lo and behold, his anisotropies appeared. Here is what Smoot (1993) said:

“We were confident that the quadrupole was a real cosmic signal. . . By late January and early February, the results were beginning to gel, but they still did not quite make sense. I tried all kinds of different approaches, plotting data in every format I could think of, including upside down and backwards, just to try a new perspective and hoping for a breakthrough. Then I thought, why not throw out the quadrupole—the thing I’d been searching for all those years — and see if nature had put anything else there! … “Why, I puzzled, did I have to remove the quadrupole to see the wrinkles?”

Smoot and his team were beside themselves with their ‘discovery’. Later Smoot and John Mather shared a Nobel Prize for all this. However, when Smoot systematically data-processed out the quadupole signal he systematically introduced ghost signals into his image. He and his colleagues mistook these data-processing remnants for data!
Here is Robitaille’s (2009a) response to Smoot:

“The answer to this question is one of data processing. The raw maps do not contain any systematic signal variations on their own. The signals were random in nature. However, when Smoot and his colleagues imposed a systematic removal of signal, they produced a systematic remnant. In essence, the act of removing the quadrupole created the multipoles and the associated systematic anisotropy. Once the quadrupole was removed, the multipoles appeared as extremely consistent variations on the maps. As previously mentioned, these findings have no relevance to cosmology and are purely an artifact of signal processing.”

And this (Robitaille 2007b):

“Apparent anisotropy must not be generated by processing”.

Recall that these supposed anisotropies are in micro-K and the foreground from the galaxy is in mK and the dipole signal is also inmK. So the alleged anisotropies are ~1000 times weaker than the noise that contaminates the images. Now it is well known to imaging scientists and scientists working in radiometry laboratories that it is impossible to extract such a weak signal from such a high level of noise unless the experimenter has either (1) a priori knowledge of the nature of the signal source, or (2) the ability to physically manipulate the signal source. Neither of these options was available to COBE. It is also well known to those scientists that data-processing for such weak signals in such a contaminated environment (the galactic signal) produces ghost signals. Data-processing is what produced Smoot’s anisotropies, not the Universe. Smoot and his colleagues could not tell the difference between data and data-processing induced spots before their eyes. CBE-DMR could not even zero the galactic foreground and the all-sky anisotropy map published by Smoot et al contained the foreground contamination, which appeared as ragged red band across the centre of their map.

(9) So COBE-FIRAS did not detect a CMB and COBE-DMR did not detect anisotropies in the alleged CMB. COBE-FIRAS detected microwave signals from Earth. COBE-FIRAS did not obtain a null at 2.725 K and it did not obtain a null at 2.759 K either. It obtained no null. The COBE-FIRAS team could not obtain a null anywhere, because FIRAS was so defective. They never got a null between sky and calibrator. They manufactured a “near null” at 2.759 K by doctoring their interferograms. The blackbody curve at 2.725 K was also manufactured in order to corroborate their false “near null” for their alleged CMB. They omitted all data < 2cm^(-1), and shifted the vertical axis of their graph a whole division to the left in an attempt to disguise this fact. In their earlier reports the FIRAS team reported data < 2cm^(-1) but later reports dropped this data, without any explanation whatsoever. As I previously remarked, it is the lower frequencies which diffracted most over the FIRAS shield. The FIRAS team merely threw out all data < 2cm^(-1). The FIRAS team reported that they got higher than expected intensities at the lower frequencies and lower than expected intensities at the higher frequencies; which is precisely what must happen with diffraction over the shield. Since they could not actually get a null they blamed instrument errors and so bundled them all into their ‘calibration file’, and they arbitrarily applied a 4% reflectance, and they tried to calibrate in flight by using the Moon, amongst many other useless band aids.

(10) What about the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)? Recall that WMAP was a differential instrument and so it was completely blind to the alleged CMB isotropic monopole signal. WMAP was located at L2, about 1.5 million km from Earth, positioned so that Earth was always between it and the Sun. Since it was a differential instrument WMAP did not detect a CMB temperature at 2.725 K. It was incapable of such a measurement. It was designed only to detect anisotropies, and hence its name. However, just like COBE-DMR it had to extract a supposed signal that is ~1000 times weaker than the galactic foreground. It therefore suffered from the very same incapability of the COBE-DMR. None of the WMAP images are unique. WMAP can’t reproduce images from its own datasets. WMAP anisotropy maps are composites of images at 5 different frequencies. These 5 images were combined by arbitrarily assigning positive or negative coefficients to each frequency, to produce a final image. This method was called Internal Linear Combination (ILC). The only restriction to these coefficients was that they sum to 1. The purpose of these shenanigans was solely to try to zero the galactic foreground (remember that the galactic foreground is anisotropic noise that must be data-processed out). The WMAP team arbitrarily weighted a particular frequency band (the V-band). Why? - Because other bands were so fogged by noise that they were quite useless (e.g. the K-band). Not only that, no ILC could zero the foreground, so the WMAP team arbitrarily divided up each image into 12 sub-images, 11 of which were in the galactic foreground. They then proceed to ‘clean’ these composites by arbitrarily applying different integrated linear coefficients to each sectional image, and even varied these coefficients by as much as 100% in adjacent sectional images. None of this comes anywhere near to minimal standards in image processing. The WMAP team made up their own rules for image processing, violating all accepted standards in imaging science. One can vary these integrated linear coefficients at will to produce completely different images. Consequently there is no WMAP anisotropy image that is unique. Tegmark and his colleagues ‘cleaned’ WMAP raw images by a different method to ILC’s. Their anisotropy map is very different to the WMAP anisotropy map. Not only that, Tegmark et al crucially relied upon the alleged cosmic blackbody curve at 2.725 K produced by COBE-FIRAS. The anisotropy map from Tegmark et al is no better than the WMAP anisotropy map. They contain no valid data. All such maps are meaningless.

(11) What about the European Space Agency (ESA) Planck satellite? It was located at L2. Its LFI was capable of operating in both absolute and differential modes. It carried on board two 4K blackbody reference loads by which its Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) could in fact make an absolute mode measurement. The Planck team has reported an anisotropy map using both its High Frequency Instrument (HFI) and the LFI. They allege it is in close correlation with WMAP’s anisotropy map. However, the Planck anisotropy map is on a different scale to the WMAP anisotropy map, and so they are not in fact in close correlation. They are very different maps! Also, since WMAP anisotropy maps are not unique and hence meaningless, Planck’s anisotropy map is an alleged match with demonstrable nonsense. How did the Planck team manage such a feat? It stinks! Moreover, the Planck team never reported detection of a monopole signal at L2. That’s because there is no monopole signal at L2. And that’s because the signal detected by COBE-FIRAS is from Earth.

(12) Penzias and Wilson detected a 3K signal from the ground with a primitive horn that was swamped by microwaves from the atmosphere. Their detection was not cosmic. There has been no detection of a CMB.

Unless the proponents of the alleged CMB produce a monopole signal at L2 the case is closed. They have not done so, and they never will. So the case is closed. There is no CMB afterglow of some big bang expanding universe.

(13) There have been recent developments on the alleged CMB alignment of the dipole signal and multipoles of the alleged CMB. It is claimed that there is an alignment of the dipole and multipoles that makes the Earth very special so that it is not only at the centre of the solar system but also at the centre of the Universe. Thus, it is claimed that not only is the solar system geocentric, but so is the Universe. Max Tegmark, along with other various proponents of black holes and big bangs and CMB big bang afterglow, appear in a cinema film called The Principle, supposed to be released sometime in 2014. This film promotes now the geocentric universe on the alleged alignment of the dipole signal, and the multipoles of the so-called CMB. Here is the trailer for the film:

So the alleged CMB is now touted as proof of Earth at the centre of the Universe.


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