Friday, 20 September 2019



The reason this blog is called 'The Multiverse' is not because the author believes in various versions of himself in different universes, but instead, tries to highlight the Multitude of Verse that makes up our single book of reality.
But now you are here, please have a look and click around as you explore a single universe made and functioning on electrical principles and which are taken from the very real worlds of Observation, Plasma Physics, Electrical Engineering & of course, mixed in with plenty of Common Sense. This is Real Science, where ever it might lead.

(because mainstream education is very suspect)


If you are new to this ginormous paradigm shift that is now happening in our scientific understanding of how the universe works, then the 'Thunderbolts of the Gods' video just below and to the right is the best place to start. It was released onto the YouTube platform in December 2012.

Since then we have advanced electrically by absolutely massive leaps and bounds to where 'current thinking' has brought us to where are already getting what looks like fusion, with a mini electric sun that has been built in the lab.

Join the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people, students and academics alike and see the future (even if at first you didn't like the idea of it). But it's really not worth clinging to a mistake, even if you did invest shed loads of time, money and effort learning it. Sorry but you are just gonna have got to get over it, if it's wrong, it's wrong.

Just a thought, just like in Weston traditions in Hindi the word apocalypse also means revelation, But also includes 'radio (wave lengths of the Electromagnetic Spectrum), sense and lightning'.


After about two and half years of SAFIRE running it is now ready to said that the theory of relativity guesswork is now dead and that stars are electrically powered from outside, by intergalactic currents.

During the time the plasma generator has been running, it has shown itself to be totally reliable and controllable as to its functions. With only less than 200 Watts DC going in, SAFIRE gives us output surges of upto and over 10 million Watts DC and with this. It also slows some frequencies of the speed of light, has the same power density as our sun and produces the transmutation of elements and which are the same as what we see transmuted around distant stars.

But Einstein was in the end right in one respect. Near to the end of his life he did write in a letter to a colleague that he wasn't convinced that any of his ideas would stand the test of time.


In between trying to scratch a living and other commitments I have over the years been working on explaining weather mechanics from an electrical perspective and this is the transcript from my last talk on it at the The Quantocks half of our Electric Universe event in July. This is the beginning and the rest can be viewed at the link below.


City & Guilds qualified and highly experienced amenity & estate gardener
Mother nature doesn't take the hard road and like the electricity that powers her and indeed us, she always takes the path of least resistance and I keep this very much in mind when for explanations as to how reality might function.

As we progress further into the 21st century, much of our scientific understanding of how our universe works is now in need of a serious upgrade. With this also being true with our understanding of weather mechanics both here on earth and now also, as we look to venture out into the solar system and even beyond.
If we seriously want to venture out and colonise new worlds then this area of research will become increasingly important, so this Document establishes the basic principles of weather mechanics from an electrical perspective as I see the circuit working. But also, it further defines that in relation to how both a charged solar atmosphere functions, with the natural interplay that happens between the balancing of the sun and the earth electrically.
This also then further expands into a new way of understanding the atom’s basic make up, with the electron sheaves being a layered response around a nucleus of an atom, due to a charged input. But rather from an imbalance with an anode object like a sun, it’s from an interaction with an electrodynamic aether.
By studying more lately the SAFIRE project (our little electric sun on earth) in combination with the years of looking at our weather, both as a young Brit growing up in London but also, spending a lot of time in rural Essex with relatives as a kid and then later on in-more depth as a horticulturist gardener, I have come to an understanding of both how the weather works electrically, but also, the fractal nature of an energy input into a nucleus with the atmospheric layering it produces and with this happening from the atom upwards.
With the traditional main stream understanding of how our weather operates and because it is based from purely a mechanical view of the universally accepted ‘standard model’, this means main stream weather forecasting and its understanding of weather  mechanics can only have heat changing air pressure in their modelling and so, can only use fluid mechanics in their multi-million pound computers.
The atmosphere however,  is full of charge, with the differential rising by about 100 Volts per metre from the ground and up to the top of the atmosphere. Due to this fact, there are those now experimenting with the extraction of these naturally occurring ions out of “thin air”, whereby they can be then used directly, or stored for later use.
Therefore, with all the knowledge of  the electrical charge that exists within the atmosphere, meteorology should instead be using electromagnetic mechanics as a model.
What is commonly believed in standard meteorology goes completely against both common sense and the laws of physics, whereby  although there are masses of electricity within our atmosphere, it has little or no effect Fundamentally, an external electrical environment must definitely have an affect on something that is made up from different charges.
In addition, when we observe that fluid mechanics has liquids that dissolve into one other, whereas areas of charge do not, and therefore avoid each other and spark when forced together, we can appreciate that our meteorological understanding definitely requires a 21st century upgrade